his summer, the world's most famous wall-crawling superhero Spider-Man celebrates his 50th anniversary; so in more ways than one, the Marvel Comics creation is a pop-culture icon that sticks. That should be nothing but good news for the filmmaking team behind this summer's "The Amazing Spider-Man," but instead they view that history as part of their challenge — just like the towering shadow cast by the three previous Spider-Man films and the incredible US$3.5 billion (approximately NT$105 billion) they earned at the box office.
製作人陶爾馬克說:「我們這部片的主角是這位大英雄,又在這個時間點,片子得很了不起才行;我們也知道,要讓大家看到我們知道自己在做什麼。」陶爾馬克和導演馬克韋布都是初次製作《蜘蛛人》電影的新手,陶爾馬克說:「我們還覺得很興奮,因為我們曉得我們掌握到了什麼東西。」 韋布、陶爾馬克和經驗豐富的製作人阿維阿拉德希望他們能夠克服自從二○一○年元月他們宣布重拍蜘蜘人故事,並引進新面孔後,外界對這第四部蜘蛛人電影所投下的懷疑目光。阿拉德曾拍攝過廿多部以驚奇漫畫的角色為題材的電影。
"Our movie — with this hero, at this time — has to be great, and we know we have to show people that we know what we're doing," said producer Matt Tolmach, who — like director Marc Webb — is making his first Spider-Man film. "But we're excited about that because we know what we've got." Webb, Tolmach and veteran producer Avi Arad, whose name has appeared in the credits of two dozen films based on Marvel characters, hope that they can overcome the skepticism that has greeted this fourth Spider-Man movie since the January 2010 announcement that it would reboot the story and bring in new faces.
事實上,導演雷米和影星陶比麥奎爾及克莉絲汀鄧斯特在銀幕上演出蜘蛛人的故事,距今並沒有很久。《蜘蛛人3》在二○○七年五月上映的首個週末,全球票房高達三億八千一百七十萬美元,打破了票房紀錄。 但鄧斯特卻是質疑重拍的時間是否太早了一點的人之一。她在二○一○年年底時表示:「他們得做成很多東西,得用別的方式把故事從頭再說一遍,但我們才剛說過這個故事。」
It wasn't that long ago that director Sam Raimi and stars Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst were spinning the tales of the hero on the silver screen — the May 2007 opening weekend of "Spider-Man 3" set box office records with a massive US$381.7 million (approximately NT$11.5 billion) worldwide.
Indeed, Dunst herself is among those who wonder if it's too soon to hit the restart button. "They have a lot to live up to," Dunst said in late 2010. "They're going to tell the story from the beginning again but in a different way. But it wasn't that long ago that we told that story."
The new film retells the tale of Peter Parker, who, bitten by fate (and a scientifically altered spider), gets superpowers. But this version adds a back story about his dead parents and turns the romantic emphasis to Gwen Stacy instead of Mary Jane Watson. It also introduces the Lizard as the bad guy.
These are not the only differences in the reboot, however. The film is aiming for a darker tone, has fewer special effects and more street-level grit — all of which helped keep the budget lower than the enormous US$258 million (approximately NT$7.7 billion) Sony spent on "Spider-Man 3."
The filmmakers knew that they had to bring in some serious acting talent to handle this darker atmosphere. Despite some reservations about the film, most fans are excited that Andrew Garfield has been cast in the iconic role. Garfield, the rising Los Angeles-born, British-raised actor, is a gifted performer. He captured attention as Eduardo in "The Social Network" and recently earned rave reviews for his performance in the Broadway production of "Death of a Salesman."
Then there's Emma Stone. The star of "Easy A" and "The Help" is considered by many to be one of the most gifted young actresses in Hollywood. Still, many fans remain skeptical about a reboot so soon after the last spidey outing.
"There has been what I would call a healthy skepticism because it was such a beloved franchise," Tolmach said. Arad added: "Every meeting started with the same question from people: 'Why so soon?' But as soon as they saw some footage from the film, they understood."
Garfield is aware of the weight on his shoulders. "I am terrified to take on this part because it means so much to me, so I know how much it means to other people." he said. Stone, too, appreciates the responsibility the filmmakers have to do justice to the beloved superhero.
"He's the most relatable character in comic history because everyone's been a 17-year-old," Stone said. "Even before you're 17, you're reading 'Spider-Man' so you know what it will be like when you get there — what it's like to be the underdog, to be bullied or be pushed around — but then also to have the kind of heroism that will take you past those barriers. Spider-Man is inspiring, and I think that's why he's probably the most talked about character in comics."