Book sales in France have soared since the country began to ease its lockdown, rocketing more than 230 percent in a week, a survey showed Monday.


A study for the trade weekly Livres Hebdo found that from May 11 to 17 bookshops did a roaring trade, with readers desperate to stock up while public libraries remained shut.

根據貿易週刊「圖書週刊」( Livres Hebdo)所做的調查,5月11日至17日書店銷量大增,因為讀者在公共圖書館仍持續關閉的情況下,拚命購買書籍囤積。

Many French bookshops had partially reopened in the last weeks of the country’s strict eight-week confinement for takeaway or click and collect sales.


Even so, overall, sales were 60 percent down compared the corresponding period in 2019.


Despite the proliferation of online reading groups during the lockdown, the French publishing industry has been badly hit, with publishers claiming that revenues have dropped by 80 percent.


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U.S. President Donald Trump has made it a point of not wearing a face mask in public, but in Japan politicians and local officials have adopted stylish gear so eagerly it raised suspicions that they are doing it simply to glean more "likes" on social media.


Gone are the bland, white face masks that most people are used to. Politicians are adopting mask styles across a wide range of designs, while some local government officials are incorporating local features into theirs to promote their respective jurisdictions.


Defense Minister Taro Kono appeared at the Upper House Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on May 12 wearing a face mask featuring the sun rising over Mount Fuji, set against a blue background.


Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike has worn a wide variety of designs to her daily news conferences. Some display her initial, "Y," while others are decorated with apples and rabbits.




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The school on the outskirts of Istanbul is a rare place where Uighur child refugees from China can study their language and culture. For several, it has also become an impromptu orphanage.


Having fled a worsening crackdown on Uighur Muslims by Chinese government, some of their parents thought it was still safe to return occasionally for business and to visit family, only to disappear into re-education camps.


Nine-year-old Fatima has only vague memories of her homeland - and now, of her father, too. She remembers watching television with him:she wanted cartoons, but he liked watching the news especially about Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, one of the only leaders in the Muslim world willing to stand up for the Uighurs and risk China’s wrath.


Exiled Uighur activists said nearly 500 camps and prisons are used against their ethnic group in China. The overall number of inmates could be "far greater" than the one million usually cited.




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A fleet of robots on wheels that deliver shopping in the English town of Milton Keynes have seen their popularity surge as residents are stuck indoors due to the coronavirus lockdown.


The robots, which come up roughly to an adult’s knee height and look like smooth white plastic boxes mounted on six black wheels, are a familiar sight in the town, where they have been delivering groceries for over two years.


But since the government imposed strict social distancing measures on March 23, the devices have been busier than ever, delivering for free to National Health Service (NHS) staff and facing increased demand from the general public.


The robots have what looks like an antenna, topped with a small red flag to make it easier to spot them as they do their rounds. (Reuters)




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Covid-19 has taken so much from us, but now it’s come for our emojis too.


As a result of the global pandemic, the Unicode Consortium, which sets standards for digital typography, has been forced to delay the next set of updates, from March 2021 until September 2021.

受全球大流行影響,設立數位排版標準的「統一碼聯盟」(The Unicode Consortium)已經被迫將下次更新,從2021年3月延後到2021年9月。

That will have a knock-on effect for OS at Apple and Google, who will struggle to implement the new designs on their normal timescale. All of which means that 2021 might see no brand new emojis.


That’s more of a hit than it might seem. On an emotional level, the rollout of new emojis is important people who want to represent themselves in the lingua franca of the 21st century. And on a technical level, the pictograms are an important carrot dangled by the smartphone manufacturers to get people to go through the effort of installing software updates, which are crucial to protect users from security vulnerabilities and hacking attacks.




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