If Donald Trump loses in November, it’s no secret that most European policymakers will be happy to see his back. But as they envision the possibility of a post-Trump future, many are wondering how quickly the trans-Atlantic alliance can be fixed.


Officials in capitals across Europe say they are making no assumptions about the likely outcome of the U.S. election. Having failed to anticipate Trump’s first victory, "the German government already burned its fingers," said Jurgen Hardt, foreign affairs spokesman for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party and an expert on U.S.-German ties.


Still, when they allow themselves to look ahead to the prospect of a Biden presidency, they don’t necessarily see an instant resumption of the easier Barack Obama years.


"I don’t expect that, if we have a new president, everything will just fall into place," said Reinhard Buetikofer, a trade expert for the Greens in the European Parliament. (Reuters)




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Hundreds of Thai protesters sang a Japanese cartoon jingle on Sunday with lyrics mocking the government as hungry hamsters feasting on taxpayer cash, part of a new protest movement by youth.


Thai youths have been defying a coronavirus ban on gatherings to hold rallies almost daily since last week. The first rally, by a group called the Free Youth Movement, drew more than 2,000 activists, one of the biggest anti-government protests since a coup in 2014.


At Sunday’s demonstration, protesters sang new lyrics to the theme song for "Hamtaro". They ran in circles around Bangkok’s Democracy Monument, like hamsters running in a wheel.


Leaders of the Free Youth Movement have said they will return to the streets for another large-scale demonstration next week if their demands are not met, including dissolving parliament, revising a constitution written by the military and ending the harassment of government critics.




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New research published Wednesday shows that humans can tell when a chimpanzee is happy, sad, angry or scared - simply by listening to their cries.


"We demonstrate for the first time that humans can accurately map other species vocalisations to specific behavioural contexts," Roza Kamiloglu, a researcher at the University of Amsterdam and lead study author, told AFP.


Kamiloglu and the team asked close to 3,500 participants to listen to recordings of 150 chimp sounds, then decide based on what they heard if the animal was in a positive or negative situation, and whether it was excited or relaxed.


Around 300 participants were then asked to match sounds to a list of 10 behaviours, including chimps mating, being separated from their mothers, or being scared by something.


The humans proved surprising adept at understanding the correct context in which the cries were recorded.


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Dr. Anthony Fauci’s ceremonial first-pitch kicking off the 2020 Major League Baseball season was off target, but a baseball card to commemorate the occasion wound up being a home run with fans.


The Topps NOW baseball card featuring Fauci set an all-time print record for the company, selling 51,512 cards in just 24 hours, Topps said on Monday.

(球員卡公司)Topps週一表示,以佛奇為主角的Topps NOW棒球卡,為該公司締造前所未有的印製紀錄,不過24小時就賣了5萬1512張。

The back of the card described the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases as an "ardent Washington Nationals fan" and described his first-pitch before the Nationals took on the Yankees as "a strong effort."


The day after his less than stellar opening pitch, Fauci joked during an online event that he had practiced throwing a couple of days before the game but when he went out on the mound it looked like the catcher was 200 feet away.




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Researchers say they’ve mimicked the voice of a 3,000-year-old Egyptian mummy by recreating much of its vocal tract using medical scanners, 3D printing and an electronic larynx.


In a paper published by the journal Scientific Reports, the authors say the technique allowed them to produce a single sound - somewhere between the vowels in ’bed’ and ’bad.’


The eerie tone is unlikely to be a precise reflection of the speech of Egyptian priest Nesyamun, because he has lost the bulk of its tongue over three millennia. Besides, the model alone also isn’t enough to synthesize whole words or sentences.


"When visitors encounter the past, it is usually a visual encounter. With this voice we can make the encounter more multidimensional," said John Schofield, an archaeologist at the University of York.(Reuters)




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