

“Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.”

— Seth Godin, Marketer

「別為你的產品找顧客,為你的顧客找產品。」– 賽斯.高汀 (行銷大師)

賽斯.高汀 (1960- ) 是美國創業家、行銷家,曾擔任 Yahoo! 直效行銷副總裁,他也是 Squidoo 網站的創辦人,著有多本暢銷書,包括《紫牛》、《行銷不過是個噴嚏》等。

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Get Lost

從迷失到尋回的體驗 --瑪索內迷宮



Ricci spent 10 million euros building the Masone Labyrinth in the hope of creating a place that inspired wonder and curiosity. In addition, the maze includes a pyramid with a chapel covered in gold inside it for weddings. There are also hotels, dance halls, art museums, and libraries in the place. Ricci’s idea is that people come to the maze to lose themselves and then go to the art museums or libraries and fi nd what they have always been looking for.


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“The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions – the little soon forgotten charities of a kiss, a smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment.”

— Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Writer

「生活中的快樂是由零碎的片斷組成 – 我們很快忘記的短暫親吻、微笑、關愛的眼神、由衷的讚美等善舉。」– 塞繆爾泰勒柯勒律治 (文學家)

minute (adj.) 微小的,細微的。例:a minute amount of time(非常少的時間)。

塞繆爾泰勒柯勒律治 (1772-1834) 是英國作家,浪漫主義文學的奠基人之一,以詩《古舟子詠》及文評集《文學傳記》為代表作,他也將德國唯心論引進西方世界,對後世的愛默森及美國的超驗主義都有影響。

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“It is impossible to win the great prizes in life without running risks.”

— Theodore Roosevelt, 26th U.S. President

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Instead of an annoying noise, would you like to wake up to the smell of bacon? How about the strong scent of coffee? With SensorWake, people can wake up to the smells of croissants, the ocean, or even money. At the 2014 Google Science Fair, SensorWake was voted one of the top 15 inventions that had the potential to change the world. Guillaume Rolland came up with the idea for a scented alarm clock when he was 17 years old.

和惱人的聲響相反,你想要在培根的香味中醒來嗎?濃烈咖啡香如何?有了 SensorWake,人們可以在牛角麵包、海洋、甚至錢的氣味中醒來。在2014年Google科學展上,SensorWake被票選為前十五項具有潛力改變世界的發明之一。Guillaume Rolland十七歲時想出這個香味鬧鐘的點子。

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