中英對照─Chihuahua Was Abducted by a Seagull/吉娃娃犬被一隻海鷗擄走



A wee chihuahua was recently snatched from his backyard in Paignton, Devon, a seaside town in the southern part of the United Kingdom. The culprit, according to his owner, was a seagull.

  • 住在英國德文郡佩恩頓港的黃白吉娃娃犬吉斯莫,日前被一隻海鷗從自家後院叼走。(取自網路)



While such an attack is feasible, "they are very rare," said Viola Ross-Smith, a science communicator with the British Trust for Ornithology.


On July 21 in Devon at 12:30 p.m. local time, the gull purportedly struck quickly and without warning. The chihuahua — a brown-and-white 4-year-old male named Gizmo — was safe in the garden, while the dog’s owner hung out the washing to dry nearby. Suddenly, a gull swooped down and scooped up the tiny pup with its beak.


In the U.K., the gulls most commonly found in urban areas are herring gulls and lesser black-backed gulls. Like many other types of large gulls, both species are omnivores that eat whatever they can find.

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《中英對照讀新聞》India to overtake China as the world’s most populous country印度將超越中國,成為世界人口最多國家

India is set to overtake China as the world’s most populous country in less than a decade, according to a new United Nations report.


China and India currently account for about 37% of the entire global population of roughly 7.7 billion, with China currently home to about 1.4 billion people and India to 1.3 billion. But by 2027, India will have more people than China.


Besides India overtaking China, the UN report said Nigeria will be the third most populous country by 2050 with an estimated 733 million people, overtaking the United States, which will fall to fourth place with a population of 434 million.



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《中英對照讀新聞》South Korea’s coffee market to reach W6.8tr-韓咖啡市場達6.8兆韓元

The size of the South Korean coffee market will reach 6.8 trillion won by the end of this year, according to a report released by the Hyundai Research Institute.


Koreans, aged over 20, drank a total of 353 cups of coffee per person on average last year, the report said. The average per capita coffee consumption in the world was 132 cups in the same year, which is one-third of domestic consumption.


Shinhan Card said Thursday it has started running "Shinhan Face Pay," a facial recognition-based payment system. Its employees are able to make payments with the system at the cafeteria, coffee shop and CU convenience store inside the company’s headquarters building.



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《中英對照讀新聞》Trump attacked Baltimore. The city’s newspaper wrote a scathing response.-川普攻擊巴爾的摩 該市報紙筆伐反擊



The paper of the city that President Trump attacked didn’t mince words.

  • 美國總統川普日前痛批非裔的民主黨聯邦眾議員康明茲的選區充斥鼠輩且沒人要住,引發軒然大波。圖為康明茲今年6月主持眾院監督與改革委員會會議。 (美聯社檔案照)

    美國總統川普日前痛批非裔的民主黨聯邦眾議員康明茲的選區充斥鼠輩且沒人要住,引發軒然大波。圖為康明茲今年6月主持眾院監督與改革委員會會議。 (美聯社檔案照)


"Better to have a few rats than to be one," the Baltimore Sun’s editorial declared in its headline.


On Saturday evening, the editorial board of a paper that has been a city fixture since 1837 joined the wave of Maryland residents and leaders condemning President Trump’s tweets calling Rep. Elijah E. Cummings’s district a "rat and rodent infested mess" where "no human" would want to live.


The Sun’s scathing piece, which drew responses across the country and even as far as Senegal, highlights Baltimore’s strengths and accuses Trump of deploying "the most emotional and bigoted of arguments" against a Democratic African American congressman from a majority-black district.

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《中英對照讀新聞》Cute or creepy: why humans love some species, loathe others-可愛或可怕:人類為何對某些物種愛恨分明

The Chinese giant salamander, the largest amphibian in the world, weigh as much as an adult human, and has slimy brown skin, a giant mouth and puny eyes. Unlike panda, it rarely makes the news.


Why do some animals strike a chord with humans, prompting them to donate millions towards their conservation, while others draw little more than disgust?


"One of the biggest factors is ’cuteness’:physical characteristics such as big eyes and soft features that elicit our parental instincts because they remind us of human infants," said Hal Herzog, emeritus professor at West Carolina University’s Department of Psychology.


Herzog said the dark rings around pandas’ eyes triggered humans nurturing instincts. But the main instinct the salamanders inspire in humans is revulsion.


"Disgust is a learned emotion. It’s probably transmitted socially, culturally and within families," said Graham Davey, a British specialist in phobias.(AFP)

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