
“Develop your imagination – you can use it to create in your mind what you hope to create in your life.”
— Stephen Covey, Author
「發展你的想像力 – 你可以用它在心裡創造你想在現實生活創造的東西。」– 史蒂芬‧柯維 (勵志作家)
史蒂芬‧柯維 (1932-2012) 是全球暢銷書 The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (與成功有約) 的作者,此書在全世界翻成 38 種語言,售出 1,500 萬冊以上。

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Home to Mount Everest, Nepal is a tiny country that is bursting with natural beauty, rich cultural history, and an amazing spirit. It is located between China and India and has about 30 million people. While many adventurers seek to conquer the 8,000-meter peaks of the Himalayas, others take in the seven World Heritage Sites of Kathmandu. For over 2,000 years, the capital has been a gateway to the region for travelers from all walks of life.


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“The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself.”

— Wallace Wattles, Author

「你能為世界做最好的事,就是完全發揮自己的才能。」– 華勒思.華特斯 (作者)

華勒思.華特斯 (1860-1911) 是美國「新思維」運動 (New Thought) 作者,在經歷一連串的人生挫敗後,晚年開始研究各種哲學與宗教信仰,並整理歸納於著名的《失落的致富經典》(The Science of Getting Rich)。

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On July 22, 1894, French newspaper Journal organized what is considered the world’s first auto racing competition. The 127-kilometer event lasted more than six hours with Count Jules-Albert de Dion fi nishing fi rst with his steampowered automobile. Early auto racing started off simply with many cars unable to reach more than 20 kilometers an hour. Car racing has become more advanced since then with competitions such as Formula One and NASCAR.


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“Be bold. When you embark for strange places, don’t leave any of yourself safely on shore. Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory.”

— Alan Alda, Actor

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