英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.ltn.com.tw/

May Myat Noe, the first Myanmar beauty queen to win an international beauty pageant, was crowned Miss Asia Pacific World in May 2014.


But she was stripped of her crown for alleged dishonesty and bad behaviour, according to event spokesman in Seoul, South Korea. The sponsoring agency of the beauty contest accused her of running away with the bejeweled tiara, reportedly worth $100,000, from South Korea after the contest and also claimed to have paid $10,000 for her breast implants.


May Myat Noe fought back against the allegations, telling a news conference that the organization had dethroned for no reason. She denied having had plastic surgery, and claimed that she did not even know that she had been dethroned before she boarded a plane for Myanmar.


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英文名人名言佳句-Wilma Rudolph (運動員)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/

“I believe in me more than anything in this world.”

– Wilma Rudolph, Athlete
「在這世界上我最相信的是自己。」– 威爾瑪‧魯道夫 (運動員)

威瑪‧魯道夫 (1940-1994) 為美國第一位在同一奧運會獲得 3 項金牌的女田徑選手,在 1960 年代並被譽為 “the fastest woman on earth” (世界上最快的女人)。她年幼患得小兒麻痺,康復後左腳因長期戴支架而扭曲變形,直至 12 歲才如願移除支架,並開始了她的運動生涯。
她曾說過:“My doctors told me I would never walk again. My mother told me I would. I believed my mother.” (我的醫生告訴我我永遠無法再行走,我媽媽告訴我我可以,我相信我媽媽。)


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英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/

Millionaire Jason Buzi has launched a social media treasure hunt in San Francisco. Participants follow clues posted by Buzi under the Twitter handle @HiddenCash in hopes of locating one of the many hidden cash drops spread throughout the city. Such locations have included parks, beaches, construction sites, and even libraries. Though Buzi first did this secretly, his identity has since become known. His original idea for this project was to bring people together in a positive way. Buzi hopes to inspire other more fortunate people to do more to give back.

富豪傑森• 布茲在舊金山發起了一個社群媒體尋寶遊戲。參與者跟隨布茲用推特帳號「隱藏的現金」的名義所公佈的線索,抱著希望來找出分散在城市各地的許多隱藏現金放置地點之一。這類的地點包括公園、海灘、建築工地,甚至圖書館。雖然布茲第一次這麼做時是秘密地進行,但是他的身分之後便曝光了。他最初做這計畫的想法是想要以正面的方式把大家團結起來。布茲希望能激發其他更幸運的人做更多的事情來回饋大家。


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英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/

“Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.”

– Sydney J. Harris, Journalist
「為做過的事而後悔會因時間而慢慢平撫,為沒做過的事而後悔卻是無法平撫。」– 哈利斯 (記者)

“regret” 是「後悔」的意思,”temper” 當動詞用的意思是「使緩和」,”inconsolable” 是「無法慰藉的」的意思,它的字根是 “console”,為動詞,是「安慰;撫慰」的意思。
哈利斯 (1917-1986) 為美國《芝加哥日報》及《芝加哥太陽報》記者,他的專欄曾在美國及加拿大多家報紙同時刊登。

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英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/

From ancient times to the modern era, the people of London have used the Thames for many purposes. It has provided fresh drinking water, fresh fish, and acted as the gateway to the world, via the London Docks. In a nutshell, the Thames has done it all.
Since 1997, the River Thames has been celebrated in the annual Mayor’s Thames Festival. The festival started out as a weekend festival, later becoming a 10-day event. It has become so popular in recent years that, in 2014, it will take place for the entire month of September. The festival is responsible for millions of tourists flocking to central London each year. Activities include art, music, and exciting water events.
自 1997 年起,人們以一年一度的泰晤士河節來頌揚泰晤士河。泰晤士河節開始時是僅短短為期一個週末的慶典,後來演變為十天的慶祝活動。近年來泰晤士河節變得越來越受歡迎,2014 年九月的泰晤士河節將舉行整整一個月。泰晤士河節亦是每年數百萬遊客湧入倫敦市中心的原因。慶祝活動包括藝術、音樂和刺激的水上活動。


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