




[[前法醫 高大成]]


[[洪仲丘的姐姐 洪慈庸]]


Soldier died of blood coagulation malfunction (2013/07/15)

Thrown into confinement after bringing a cell phone onto base, Corporal Hung Chung-chiu died a dozen days ago. On Monday, an autopsy was finally completed. Heat stroke, caused in part by rigorous physical exercise, disrupted Hung’s blood coagulation mechanisms, leading to abnormal bleeding and death. 

At 9 o’clock Monday morning, two forensic pathologists entered the autopsy room. One was Kao Ta-cheng, a respected expert in the field who received a stamp of approval from the deceased soldier’s family. 

The family agreed to the autopsy so it could learn the true cause of Hung Chung-chiu’s death. 

Kao Ta-cheng

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No Preservatives? (2013/07/14)


很多超商麵包,標榜不放防腐劑, 但有平面媒體測試卻發現,超商的麵包過期兩個禮拜,竟不會長霉!

Local print media are challenging the claims that bread available at convenient stores don’t contain preservatives. While their labels don’t have any mention of preservatives, many find it incredible that bread two weeks past the expiration date doesn’t grow any mold. 

Convenience stores say the manufacturing process contains minimal amounts of water which along with vacuum packaging delay the growth of bacteria. However, a local baker believes that preservatives must be used to prevent bread from becoming moldy. Nutritionists warn that some mold can’t be seen by the naked eye, as they should still refrain from eating past date food even if it looks good. 



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Typhoon Soulik (2013/07/14)

Typhoon Soulik
Typhool Soulik led 1.13 million households in Taiwan to lose power, with some areas still continuing to be without electricity. The typhoon caused damage to the main transformer at the First Nuclear Power Plant’s Unit 2 leading the plant to resort to a backup. 

Typhoon Devastation
As of today, Typhoon Soulik related agricultural losses have reached NT$270 million. Crops that were badly damaged include Taoyuan’s first rice crop, Ilan’s Sanshing green onions, Changhua Erhshui bananas. Taichung Xinshe’s mushroom grow rooms were also blown down by strong typhoon winds.

Yilan Festival Re-opens 
After being closed for two days due to the typhoon, the Yilan International Children’s Folklore and Folkgame Festival opened at nine o’clock in the morning on Sunday. The festival was able to operate on a normal schedule due to a number of preventative measures park authorities undertook before the typhoon which helped minimize the damage. With fine weather this morning, the re-opening of the park attracted approximately 5,000 visitors

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Taipei plans to launch taxi share program on two routes in September (2013/07/14)

As early as September, the Taipei City Government will inaugurate the first two taxi pool routes in Taiwan. The routes will be from the Jiantan MRT Station to Chinese Culture University and from Shipai MRT Station to the Tienmu Roundabout Circle. The taxi pool will allow passengers to share taxi fares and save money on transportation.

Here is a long queue of people waiting for the bus to Yangmingshan. During rush hour, some people even have to wait for the next bus.

When there are too many people, you may have to wait half an hour because when people board the bus it quickly becomes full.

Many of the passengers are Chinese Culture University students who board busses to their campus from the Jiantan MRT Station. For this reason, the Taipei City Government has planned a special taxi pool route traveling from Jiantan MRT to Shanzihou. A normal metered taxi costs between NT$260 to NT$320 which translates between NT$65 to NT$85 if four people share the ride.

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因應國際油價調漲,中油決定自明天凌晨零時起,各式汽油、柴油價格,每公升調升0.5元。調整後的油價創下3個月來的新高! 想加油的民眾,要趕快!

Gas Prices Rise (2013/07/14)

Drivers should be advised that gas prices will soon rise.

In response to rising international oil prices, CPC, Taiwan’s state-run refiner, has decided to increase prices of all categories of gas and diesel by NT$0.5 per liter early tomorrow morning. After the adjustment, gas prices will hit a three month high as many motorists are rushing to the pumps before new prices take effect.


文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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