

全球無時差同步開跑,台灣起跑時間是傍晚六點,美國西岸是半夜三點鐘,紐西蘭是晚上十點。比賽不設終點線,跑者起跑後半小時後,官方的終結者號(Catcher Car),以15公里的時速,開始追逐跑者,最後一個被追上的就是優勝者。


Sunday evening in Hualien more than 3,000 runners took part in a special race held in conjunction with races in 32 other countries. The unique format of the first Wing for Life World Run allowed a single competition to spread across borders. 

Tens of thousands of runners, packed along starting lines found along the world, began a run like any other to find a cure for spinal cord injury.

Runners in each location started at the same time: 6 pm in Taiwan, 3 am on the US west coast and 10 pm in New Zealand. There was no finish line; half an hour after the start of the race, a catcher car set off in pursuit of the runners at 15 kilometers per hour. The last person to be passed by the car would be named winner.

More than 3,000 people in Taiwan took part in the race, held in the scenic area of Cising, Hualien. A 38-year-old computer programmer named Lee Chih-chun placed top among local racers, completing over 48 kilometers before being caught at 9:30. Among local women, first place went to Wang Yi-wen, who finished nearly 30 kilometers.

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[[蛋糕連鎖店總經理 曾佳煜]]


[[蛋糕連鎖店總經理 曾佳煜]]


[[兒童攝影公司總經理 陳常誌]] 
“目前遭遇到的情況是有些困難,07 08年之後,單客營業額其實是緩步,沒有再持續往上的空間,租金成本早就超越一般所能想像的程度”


In the past, Taiwanese businesspeople who sought their fortunes in China often had a capital advantage. Not anymore, leading a new generation of entrepreneurs to concentrate on smaller service industry businesses. Follow our report as we visit two Taiwanese entrepreneurs in Shanghai and examine the challenges they face. 

In 2013, Tseng Jya-yu went to Shanghai to open a chain of cheesecake stores. 

Tseng Jya-yu
Cheesecake Chain CEO
This market is quite large. It would take me five years of work in Taiwan to achieve what I have done in just three months.

The Chinese market is full of opportunities, but there are also hidden and unspoken rules to be followed.

Tseng Jya-yu
Cheesecake Chain President
When we open a shop over here, the procedures are very complicated. You need to complete a variety of different approval procedures.

Because Tseng failed to thoroughly understand regulations, shops have been ordered closed on three different occasions. Another entrepreneur, Chen Chang-chih, has been involved in the children’s photography business for 10 years. Rents have risen threefold.

Chen Chang-chih 
Children’s Photography Manager
The current situation has brought some difficulties. After 2007 and 2008, customer turnover began to slow and space rental costs exceeded expectations.

Chen says Chinese businesses frequently copy or imitate other successful businesses, posing yet another difficult challenge in the China market.

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寶島股價指數基期指數為1萬點,今天以 1萬0361點開出,終場以1萬0373點作收。該指數電子股比重達到五成三,最大的權值股是台積電,其次是鴻海。

The Formosa Stock Index was officially launched today. It provides a new mechanism for evaluating performance of the Taiwan Stock Exchange and Taiwan’s main over-the-counter market. 

The index opened today at 10,361 points, and by the end of trade had risen slightly to reach 10,373. Shares of electronics companies account for over half of the index, with the largest weighting belonging to TSMC, followed by Hon Hai.

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[[立委(民) 許添財]]

[[律師 顧立雄]]
“我當然是屬於黨內初選過關 機會比較高的,坦白講 ,就我的理解,(選情)不會有太大的變化,所以禮拜四做跟禮拜二做,我的感覺應該是差不多吧’


With elections to take place in November, the DPP has yet to decide whether it will even put forward a nominee for one of the biggest prizes, mayor of Taipei. The latest news points to an intraparty poll taking place later this week or the beginning of next week. The winner would then face leading independent contender Dr. Ko Wen-je in another poll to determine an opposition nominee. 

At the site of the former Songshan tobacco factory, Legislator Hsu Tain-tsair braved the rain to show concern for ancient trees. Two days earlier, Legislator Pasuya Yao visited the same location.

Campaign activities are picking up steam ahead of the DPP Taipei primary poll. Party headquarters has decided for candidates to conduct negotiations on Wednesday and for a party winner to be chosen within the following week. Therefore, a poll would take place sometime between Thursday and next Tuesday. 

Hsu Tain-tsair
DPP Legislator, Taipei Candidate
Since the 14th is the date set for naming the party candidate but you only announced negotiations today, we should postpone matters as much as possible. Therefore, we should consider holding the poll on the 14th or the 13th. After all, there is only about a week to prepare.

Wellington Koo
Lawyer, Taipei Candidate
I believe that the person who passes the party primary will have a greater chance of being the final nominee. It’s my understanding that poll prospects won’t change much day to day. So I think there’s little difference between holding it on Thursday, the following Tuesday or some other day.

The party poll will pit each candidate against KMT nominee Sean Lien. The winner will then be entered in another poll that includes independent candidate Ko Wen-je, with the winner becoming the main opposition candidate.

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In a government shakeup, National Security Bureau Director Tsai De-sheng has resigned for health reasons. He will become a policy advisor to the president. Replacing Tsai will be Deputy Defense Minister Lee Hsiang-chou. 

At the Legislature’s National Defense Committee meeting, when asked about his future role in the government, National Security Bureau Director Tsai De-sheng joked that his fate was up to God.

Tsai smiled when responding to reporter questions about whether he would remain in his current post. By the afternoon, a Presidential Office press release announced that Tsai would be appointed national policy advisor. The bureau then announced that Tsai was suffering from eye trouble and doctors recommended he rest and recover. It cited this as the reason for President Ma approving Tsai’s resignation from his current post.

During the student-led Sunflower Movement and occupation of the Legislature and Executive Yuan, displeasure from ranking officials led to several reports of Tsai’s resignation. Now that his departure is official, his successor will be Deputy Defense Minister Lee Hsiang-chou. 

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