[[前衛生署長 葉金川]]
[[前衛生署長 葉金川]]
Former Health Minister Yeh Ching-chuan spoke about the merits of Taiwan’s national health insurance system to members of the US Senate. In the process he became the first former Cabinet-level official from Taiwan to testify at a US Senate hearing.
Yeh Ching-chuan
Former Health Minister
Patients can carry their insurance card and can go to any provider if they are not satisfied with their quality of service.
After displaying a Taiwan National Health Insurance card, former Health Minister Yeh Ching-chuan discussed Taiwan’s successful experience in implementing universal healthcare. Yeh explained Taiwan’s implementation of a single-payer system, which allows for the efficient and low cost delivery of universal health care coverage.
Yeh Ching-chuan
Former Health Minister
At today’s hearing, our most important point is that a single-payer system can also include freedom of choice and competition, which can create efficiency that can help cut unnecessary costs.
During the hearing, Yeh said Taiwan delivers health care at a cost that is one-quarter of that of the United States on a cost-of-living adjusted basis, while still managing to provide better health care service. And as the US healthcare system is expected to encounter a more acute financial crisis this year, Yeh said he hoped that the United States and others could learn from Taiwan’s 19 years of experience in providing national health insurance.