

[[中央氣象局播報員 林智暉]]


Cold stream will keep temperatures dangerously low throughout the week (2014/02/10)

The Central Weather Bureau issued a cold weather warning, as frigid temperatures have already claimed 48 lives over the past two days. 

Many people are wearing down jackets despite moisture on the ground as umbrellas continue to be necessary. This strange weather is due to both a cold stream and a cloud system from southern China which bringing moisture as it moves east. Rural open areas are seeing low temperatures as a cold stream is expected to continue throughout the week. 

Lin Chi-hui 
Central Weather Bureau Forecaster
The cold stream is expected to continue until Thursday, with temperatures beginning to rise a little Thursday morning. 

The Central Weather Bureau issued a special cold weather alert for areas north of Chiayi along with outer islands. And today at 4AM, Nantou’s Hehuan Mountain saw its first snowfall in the new Year of the Horse, with accumulation reaching 3 to 5 cm. And at 6AM, Taiwan’s highest peak, Yushan also saw snowfall.

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[[內政部次長 蕭家淇]]

另外,目前台北市、高雄市、還有彰化縣三個縣市,由於軟體的問題,無法印製身分證。內政部趕緊通令,改發臨時 "身分證明"來補救,堪稱史上頭一遭。


[[內政部次長 蕭家淇]]


nterior Ministry plagued by problems in new, upgraded household registration system (2014/02/10)

The Interior Ministry’s new, upgraded household registration system has experienced problems since going on-line on Feb. 5. The system crashed twice this morning, leaving areas like Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Changhua temporarily unable to issue ID cards.

To respond directly to citizen complaints about the upgraded household registration system, Deputy Interior Minister, Hsiao Chia-chi, went to the frontlines, visiting a local household registration office. Since going on-line on Feb. 5, the system has experienced instability and slow speeds, leading to public complaints.

Hsiao Chia-chi 
Deputy Interior Minister 
Our recent investigation along with a response from the IT company is that we will need to use this evening for them to work overtime and modify programs to complete improvements to the system.

Taipei City, Kaohsiung City, and Changhua County all experienced software problems which are preventing them from issuing ID cards. The Interior Ministry quickly ordered these offices to issue official documents to solve this problem, a historical first. 

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[[民視總經理 陳剛信]]


[[民視總經理 陳剛信]]
“我想會保留他的一些紀念品,他的作品 他的相片,他的一生的點點滴滴,我們都會原原本本保留下來”


Top management of FTV paid respects to the station’s late founder, Chai Trong-rong, today. A former legislator, Chai spent his life working on behalf of democracy and self-determination for Taiwan. 

FTV General Manager Chen Gang-sin led a group of 17 senior executives in paying final respects to Chai Trong-rong.

Chen Gang-sin
FTV General Manager
Our founder’s death is a loss for Taiwan. This type of special talent doesn’t come along very often.

During his life, Chai was committed to the Taiwan independence movement and the right to hold referendums. He founded FTV, the nation’s first private television station. Today, FTV’s general manager revealed plans to establish a special memorial dedicated to Chai at the station’s new Linkou headquarters.

Chen Gang-sin 
FTV General Manager 
I think we will keep some of his memorabilia, works and photos. We will preserve these memories of his life.

Chai’s grand ambitions were never completely fulfilled. But his spirit endures.

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[[小兒科醫師 林應然]]
“如果是流感就是,發燒、發冷、頭痛、全身痠痛。那噁心、肚子痛, 然後就拉肚子,這就是諾羅病毒,這兩個大概占我們病例裡面大概三分之二啦”


[[小兒科醫師 林應然]]


The Centers for Disease Control reported more than 100,000 flu cases last week, including at least two fatalities. Doctors warn that people should be especially cautious of the flu and other diseases when traveling or gathering during the Lunar New Year. 

This clinic is crowded with patients. The vast majority of the children either have fever or diarrhea.

Lin Yung-zen
If it’s the flu, the patient suffers from fever, chills, headache or body ache. If it’s norovirus, the patient suffers from nausea, stomach pain or diarrhea. These two illnesses account for roughly two-thirds of our patients.

The Centers for Disease Control reported 100,000 flu cases last week, an increase of nearly 50 percent compared to the same period last year. It was the single largest weekly flu outbreak since July. Doctors predict that Lunar New Year will be the peak of the epidemic.

Lin Yung-zen
During this period, the population draws closer together and shares meals. If one person in the group is ill, the disease can be passed to others. Norovirus can be transmitted through food.

Those traveling abroad should be wary of norovirus outbreaks in Japan and Korea, enterovirus and dengue fever outbreaks in Southeast Asia, and the H7N9 bird flu outbreak in China.

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[[台經院景氣預測中心主任 孫明德]]


[[摩根證券執行董事 吳淑婷]]


A mix of astonishment and disbelief is the general reaction to the latest prediction for Taiwan’s growth. According to the foreign brokerage CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets, GDP could increase by 5.7 percent this year. That’s more than double the forecast by the government’s official statistics agency. 

The director of the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research finds it hard to believe that Taiwan will be able to meet CLSA’s prediction.

Gordon Sun
Taiwan Institute of Economic Research
For Taiwan to go from 1 percent to more than 5 percent, growth will have to double then double again and double again. This will be very difficult.

When arguing for the strength of Taiwan’s electronics industry, CLSA cited the recovery in the United States and Europe and a stronger Korean won. It is not the only foreign brokerage to express greater optimism than the 2.59 percent forecast by Taiwan’s official statistics bureau. 

Charlene Wu
J. P. Morgan Asset Management
We think exports will do well. Everyone needs to work together to improve domestic demand. If domestic demand is strong in the second quarter or the second half of the year, 3 percent growth would be possible.

Taiwan had its second-best exports showing ever in 2013. This year, Europe has already expressed strong interest in locally produced surgical clothing, bicycles and electric vehicle components. This is just one sign contributing to the bullish attitude among foreign analysts.

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