[[手機業者 林志遠]]
“我們覺得Z2成長 可能會比Z1更好 上市以後我想會是 市場上銷售量最好的機型”
[[手機達人 TIM]]
“防水的話我覺得SONY 還是首選 拍照的話 hTC M8是可以考量的 如果喜歡大螢幕 色澤漂亮的話 LG G Pro 2可以選擇 S5是可以去結合這些(功能)
Sony launched a new tablet and phone today. The devices will compete against devices from Samsung and HTC.
Being able to choose different photo modes is a function that Sony hopes will attract people to its new tablet. It also hopes that a slimmer shape and being waterproof will be major selling points.
There is also this new high-end phone from Sony, the Z2. Its excellent photographic capabilities have been extended into video recording. It includes a special stereo microphone and noise-cancelling headphones.
Jonathan Lin
Sony Mobile Taiwan GM
We think that growth of the Z2 will be better than the Z1. I think it will become the best-selling model on the market.
Cell Phone Analyst
I think Sony is the first choice if you want a phone that is waterproof. For cameras, HTC M8 is a good choice, and if you want a large display and good color, then LG G Pro 2 is a good. Samsung’s S5 combines many of these (functions).
There are many devices to choose from for customers looking for a new smart phone.