2022/08/10 05:30


Flat-cap wearing armed robbers staged a brazen daylight raid on an international art fair in the Netherlands Tuesday, smashing a jewellery case with a sledgehammer in front of terrified visitors.

  • 荷蘭警方在馬斯垂特歐洲精品藝術展發生搶案後,在展場入口戒備。(法新社)



Police said they pulled over a car and arrested two Belgians in their twenties after the four smartly dressed thieves held up the TEFAF (The European Fine Art Fair) in the southern city of Maastricht.


Dramatic social media images showed the robbers threatening people with what appeared to be handguns before running off with an undisclosed amount of what police called "loot". (AFP)



brazen:形容詞,明目張膽的;厚顏無恥的。例句:I don’t believe his brazen lies.(我不相信他厚顏無恥的謊言。)

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2022/08/08 05:30


People who often nap have a greater chance of developing high blood pressure and having a stroke, a large new study has found.

  • 一項大規模新研究發現,經常小睡的人患高血壓和中風的風險更高。圖中人物與新聞事件無關。(資料照)



Study participants who typically napped during the day were 12% more likely to develop high blood pressure over time and were 24% more likely to have a stroke compared with people who never napped.


If the person was younger than age 60, napping most days raised the risk of developing high blood pressure by 20% compared with people who never or rarely nap, according to the study published Monday in Hypertension, an American Heart Association journal.


The results held true even after researchers excluded people at high risk for hypertension, such as those with type 2 diabetes, existing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep disorders and who did night-shift work.


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2022/08/05 05:30


One of the country’s longest-running alternative weekly newspapers appears to have averted financial collapse after a debate over censorship and vaccine misinformation threatened to derail its transition to nonprofit status.

  • 芝加哥讀者報的工作人員與支持者,今年4月在報老闆之一的古德曼的家外抗議。(美聯社檔案照)



Chicago Reader co-owner Leonard Goodman said Tuesday that he would step down from the newspaper, which had essentially run out of money, and allow a newly formed nonprofit organization to take control in the hope of keeping it afloat.


“We cannot continue the fight without destroying the Reader,” Goodman said in a statement first published by the Chicago Tribune. Goodman, its owner since 2018, had held up the newspaper’s transition after a staff backlash to a column he published raising skepticism about childhood coronavirus vaccines.



derail:動詞,1)(火車)出軌;2)阻撓。例句:An escalating exchange of provocative rhetoric between the two leaders could derail peace talks.(兩位領導人之間日益升高的挑釁言辭交鋒恐有礙和談。)

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2022/08/04 05:30


In Rio de Janeiro, one rescue dog has turned local mascot and budding online influencer after joining his rescuer’s ranks.

  • 奧利維拉下士是一隻深受愛戴的搜救犬。(美聯社檔案照)



Corporal Oliveira, a dog with short brown hair thought to be around four years old, turned up one morning in 2019 at a police station on Rio’s Governador Island, injured and weak.


"I gave him food, water. It took a while for him to get used to me," said Cpl. Cristiano Oliveira. But within a few days, Corporal Oliveira - the furry animal - started following his new master around the precinct.


Corporal Oliveira has his own Instagram profile with more than 45,000 followers, always hungry for more photos and videos of their mascot in his trademark police uniform, standing on top of police vehicles and motorcycles.

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2022/08/03 05:30


An aquarium employee waves a mackerel near a penguin - but there’s no reaction. When she moves the fish closer to its beak, the penguin turns away haughtily. An otter sniffs the fish, then runs away.

  • 日本箱根園水族館企鵝不愛吃鯖魚。(取自https://news.tv-asahi.co.jp/news_society/articles/000260180.html)



Before, the Hakone-en Aquarium offered penguins and otters "aji," or Japanese horse mackerel, which the animals readily ate.


The price of aji has increased by 20% to 30% since last year, the aquarium said. So to cut costs, in May the aquarium switched to a cheaper alternative - "saba," or mackerel.


It has not been well received. The aquarium says penguins and otters have their preferred type of fish and the aquarium tries its best to accommodate their needs.

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