2022/07/22 05:30


Two-time Olympic gold medalist Yuzuru Hanyu announced on July 19 that he was hanging up his skates and retiring from competition after a glorious career that saw his popularity soar worldwide.

  • 日本男子花式滑冰選手羽生結弦19日宣布退役。圖為羽生今年2月在北京冬奧出賽。(路透檔案照)



Hanyu, 27, held a news conference in Tokyo to announce his retirement.


He won gold medals at the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014 and the Pyeongchang Games four years later, becoming the first repeat Olympic champion in men’s figure skating in 66 years.


Hanyu also won the world championships in 2014 and 2017 as well as four straight Grand Prix Finals from 2013. He also won six All-Japan Championships.

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2022/07/21 05:30


Every few months when Jesstoni Garcia takes electric clippers to his head, he’s not just giving himself a haircut, he’s also harvesting art materials.

  • 賈西亞用自己的頭髮創作肖像畫。(路透檔案照)



Using a thin brush and clear, sticky resin, the co-owner of a Manila hair salon sprinkles these strands and clippings on a blank canvas, taking two to five hours to arrange them into striking images of musicians and actors.


The 32-year-old’s main job as a seaman involves spending up to eight months a year on cruise ships, and lacking adequate art supplies like paint and sketchpads at sea, Garcia in 2021 turned to using his own hair to create images. He started with self-portraits and eventually moved on to depicting celebrities.(Reuters)



sprinkle:動詞,灑、撒、點綴。例句:Do not forget to sprinkle some chocolate powder on the cake.(別忘了在蛋糕上撒些巧克力粉。)

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2022/07/20 05:30


Aid trickled to devastated villages in remote parts of Afghanistan Friday but thousands of people remain with little food, shelter and water three days after the country’s deadliest earthquake in decades.

  • 阿富汗巴克迪卡省(Paktika)居民6月23日在強震過後,站在已成殘磚廢瓦的住家前看管僅存的財物。(法新社)



Wednesday’s 5.9-magnitude quake struck hardest in the rugged east along the border with Pakistan, as people slept, killing more than 1,000 and leaving thousands more homeless.


The area was still being roiled by aftershocks that were sending frightened locals scurrying from whatever shelter they had sought in badly damaged dwellings.


AFP saw seven trucks from the United Nations World Food Programme trundle into the village of Wuchkai Friday morning to distribute tents and emergency rations. (AFP)

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2022/07/15 05:30


Martha Stewart has revealed she ended her romance with Anthony Hopkins because she couldn’t separate the actor from his most notorious film role.

  • 美國生活大師瑪莎史都華自曝為何與知名男星安東尼霍普金斯分手。圖為史都華今年4月30日出席白宮記者協會晚宴時,在紅毯上與人玩自拍。(路透檔案照)



Appearing on "The Ellen Show" on Thursday, the 80-year-old lifestyle guru and TV personality said she had to break up with the Welsh Oscar-winner, 84, after recalling his chilling performance in the 1991 horror thriller "The Silence of the Lambs."


Stewart, who divorced her ex-husband Andrew Stewart in 1990 after almost three decades of marriage, previously spoke about her fleeting romance with Hopkins during a 2014 appearance on "The Meredith Vieira Show," saying they "went out to dinner" a couple of times but insisted "a girl should kiss and never tell."



separate from:慣用語,區隔,分辨。例句:There are so many people having difficulty separating fiction from reality.(許多人分不清楚虛構與現實。)

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2022/07/14 05:30


A man who tried to slither past border agents in California had 52 lizards and snakes hidden in his clothing, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said.

  • 加州邊境警察在一名男子身上搜出各種爬蟲類。(法新社)



The man was driving a truck when he arrived at the San Ysidro border crossing with Mexico and was pulled out for additional inspection.


Agents found 52 live reptiles tied up in small bags "which were concealed in the man’s jacket, pants pockets, and groin area." The man, a 30-year-old U.S. citizen, was arrested.


Nine snakes and 43 horned lizards were seized. Some of the species are considered endangered.

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