
France’s wealthy could take it on the nose if the French tax man gets his way and cosmetic surgery becomes subject to the value added tax.


France’s new Socialist government has promised to tax the rich, and the tax authorities are looking at going after expensive cosmetic surgery such as tummy tucks, liposuction and breast enhancements that so far have escaped the country’s 19.6 percent VAT tax.


The tax authorities have issued a finding that operations for esthetic rather health purposes should be taxed and the finance ministry is currently studying which procedures to target.


France’s financial inspector general has calculated that the government needs to find 3.9 billion euros each year if the country is to keep its promise to bring its budget back into balance by 2017.(AFP)



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Japan has restarted the first nuclear reactor since the meltdown at the Fukushima power plant last year. Hundreds gathered near the plant in the town of Ohi to protest against the move.


Last month, the prime minister urged support, saying a return to nuclear power was essential for the economy. All 50 of Japan’s nuclear plants were shut after the meltdown at Fukushima, which was triggered by a tsunami and earthquake. The crisis was regarded as the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.


About 100 of the 650 protesters at the nuclear plant blocked a nearby road overnight, but a Kepco spokesman said the reactivation was not affected.


On Friday, tens of thousands took part in anti-nuclear rallies in Tokyo outside Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s official residence, chanting "Saikado hantai," or "No to nuclear restarts", in what correspondents say was a rare show of dissent in Japan. The BBC’s Mariko Oi says it was one of the largest demonstrations seen since the reactors at Fukushima were damaged in March 2011.


Tokyo-based protester Nobuhiko Shudo told the BBC the problem of disposing of radioactive waste was key. "The most important thing for us is sustainability of the Earth for the next generation so if we have some problems to keep the planet clean and beautiful, then we have to change the industrial structure" to foster alternative energy sources, he said.

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Al Qaeda-linked Mali Islamists armed with guns and pick-axes continued to destroy ancient mausoleums in the famed city of Timbuktu on Sunday, the second day of attacks on the UNESCO heritage sites, witnesses said.


The salafist Ansar Dine group backs strict sharia, Islamic law, and considers the shrines of the local Sufi version of Islam to be idolatrous. Sufi shrines have also been attacked by hardline Salafists in Egypt and Libya in the past year.


Residents say the group has threatened to destroy all of the 16 main mausoleum sites in Timbuktu despite the international outcry against the attacks. UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova has called for an immediate halt to the attacks.


"We are subject to religion and not to international opinion. Building on graves is contrary to Islam. We are destroying the mausoleums because it is ordained by our religion," Oumar Ould Hamaha, a spokesman for Ansar Dine said on Sunday.


The attack came days after UNESCO placed Timbuktu on its list of heritage sites in danger. (Reuters)

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為提升技職學生英文能力,技專校院招生策進總會昨天宣布,統測外語群英語類「專業科目 (二)」考科,102 學年度起,加考填充、中翻英、英翻中等非選題,估計有 7 千考生受影響;104 學年起全體考生共同科目的英文科,也要增考非選題。技專招策總會執行長楊重光表示,過去統測英文科只有選擇題,又沒有倒扣,許多學生乾脆放棄英文科,用猜的也可得到約四分之一的分數,「曾發現有學生懶得背單字,如只會認 umbrella (雨傘),卻拼不出來,還有學生認為只要會寫 A、B、C、D 就能應付考試。」

楊重光表示,為逐步讓技職學生和國際接軌,非選擇題題型先從英語類考生開始加考,目前規畫「專業科目 (二)」考科,102 年先加考填充、翻譯,未來還可能加上寫作。104 年全體約 15 萬技職生共同科目英文科則要考填充、簡答、中翻英、英翻中。非選擇題占分比率,最快兩個月後公布,初期可能低於五分之一。





楊重光表示,全體考生 104 年加考英文非選,今年公布,即是提前 3 年公布,讓考生有充分時間學習準備;至於明年英語類考生先加考,他們的英文本來就比較好,應該沒問題。(聯合報 2012/07/03)




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由於「裝可憐」這一行為在日常生活中用得既頻繁又廣泛,相信許多人都想知道它的英文怎麼說! 誠然,它就是本文標題的左半部 to give someone puppy dog eyes,意思就是睜大眼睛,像小狗一樣裝可憐,如 My little daughter gives me her puppy dog eyes every time she wants to play with my iPhone! (我的小女兒每次要玩我的 iPhone 時都會裝得楚楚可憐)。

然而,「可憐之人必有可恨之處」,有些裝無辜、裝可憐的人在無法達到他們想要的目的之後,不是擺出一副臭臉,就是狠狠地瞪你一眼。「擺臭臉」的英文相信也是許多人想要知道的,那就是本文標題的右半部 to mean mug;沒錯,這兩個字合起來當動詞用,其中 mean 意為「意圖;打算」,而 mug 為俚語,意為「扮鬼臉;做怪相」,如 Why are you mean mugging? (你為何一副臭臉呢?);I went to that party, and that chick was mean mugging me all night. (我去參加那個派對,而那個妞整晚都對我擺著臭臉)。

至於狠狠瞪一眼的英文,亦可用 to mean mug 來表示;此時,mean mug 與 to give someone a dirty/mean look 或 give someone the evil eye (注意:有人寫成 give someone an evil eye,應該也可以,但所有著名的英英辭典都用 the 而非 an) 的意思相當;不過,mean mug 所展現的狠勁或兇惡程度似乎最為強烈,含有瞪得人家不敢對視 (to stare someone down),甚至看對方不順眼、準備跟對方幹一架的意味。例如:

  • Those guys were mean mugging me in the club tonight. (那些傢伙今晚在夜店惡狠狠地瞪著我)
  • I didn’t know what I’d said was so offensive but she gave me a really dirty look. (我不知道我說的話這麼冒犯,但她很兇地瞪了我一眼)
  • Don’t give me that mean look. (不要那樣瞪我)
  • I arrived late for the meeting and Michael gave me the evil eye. (我開會遲到,麥可於是瞪了我一眼)

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