How about a holiday in space?

In the 1968 movie, 2001 a Space Odyssey, travelling to the moon is normal. We see a passenger (who may be a scientist) sleeping in a large American spaceship. Soon, this fantasy could become reality; however it will certainly be different. For one thing, it will be in a much smaller spacecraft. One company promising to provide flights is Virgin Galactic, owned by British business man Richard Branson. For another, the flights will be shorter, at around an hour and a half. What’s more, passengers will only travel to the edge of space. There, they will experience three to four minutes of weightlessness before returning to earth. But in another way, the flights may be similar. Scientists are excited that tickets cost just NT$5,756,361. This means they will be able to do cheaper and more frequent experiments in near space than they can now. The day when we can all afford holidays in space may not be far away.

去外太空旅行? 維京航空讓你美夢成真



odyssey 漫遊
moon 月球
fantasy 幻想;夢想
spaceship 太空船

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Japan has restarted the first nuclear reactor since the meltdown at the Fukushima power plant last year. Hundreds gathered near the plant in the town of Ohi to protest against the move.


Last month, the prime minister urged support, saying a return to nuclear power was essential for the economy. All 50 of Japan’s nuclear plants were shut after the meltdown at Fukushima, which was triggered by a tsunami and earthquake. The crisis was regarded as the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.


About 100 of the 650 protesters at the nuclear plant blocked a nearby road overnight, but a Kepco spokesman said the reactivation was not affected.


On Friday, tens of thousands took part in anti-nuclear rallies in Tokyo outside Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s official residence, chanting "Saikado hantai," or "No to nuclear restarts", in what correspondents say was a rare show of dissent in Japan. The BBC’s Mariko Oi says it was one of the largest demonstrations seen since the reactors at Fukushima were damaged in March 2011.


Tokyo-based protester Nobuhiko Shudo told the BBC the problem of disposing of radioactive waste was key. "The most important thing for us is sustainability of the Earth for the next generation so if we have some problems to keep the planet clean and beautiful, then we have to change the industrial structure" to foster alternative energy sources, he said.

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Al Qaeda-linked Mali Islamists armed with guns and pick-axes continued to destroy ancient mausoleums in the famed city of Timbuktu on Sunday, the second day of attacks on the UNESCO heritage sites, witnesses said.


The salafist Ansar Dine group backs strict sharia, Islamic law, and considers the shrines of the local Sufi version of Islam to be idolatrous. Sufi shrines have also been attacked by hardline Salafists in Egypt and Libya in the past year.


Residents say the group has threatened to destroy all of the 16 main mausoleum sites in Timbuktu despite the international outcry against the attacks. UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova has called for an immediate halt to the attacks.


"We are subject to religion and not to international opinion. Building on graves is contrary to Islam. We are destroying the mausoleums because it is ordained by our religion," Oumar Ould Hamaha, a spokesman for Ansar Dine said on Sunday.


The attack came days after UNESCO placed Timbuktu on its list of heritage sites in danger. (Reuters)

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Paris authorities are mulling a plan to extend the Eiffel Tower downwards as above ground building would spoil the French capital’s geometry, the head of the landmark’s operating company said.


’’Paris Council will deliberate on Tuesday or Wednesday this project for an underground building, we need further studies and we’re moving forward with the project,’’ deputy mayor in charge of tourism Jean-Bernard Bros told AFP. Mr Bros said that the project had been looked at for several months and that a committee had been set up to group together all the extension studies already done.


It is not possible to build at the ground level as ’’you have to respect the line of sight between the Ecole Militaire and the Trocadero,’’ Mr Bros said.


The two-storey underground extension would house the ticket booths currently found inside the edifice’s feet, an Eiffel Tower museum, a children’s area and other visitor amenities. (AFP)



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Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi is bullish on democratic reform, but she’s not so sure about Facebook.


The Nobel Peace Prize winner--who was held under house arrest as a political prisoner for much of the past 22 years without even a telephone--was asked at the World Economic Forum on East Asia when she would join the 900-million member social network.


She said it was not an issue with adjusting to new technology, but a matter of finding the time. She said she will join when her schedule opens up.


"Mind you, you never know what will happen with the technological revolution," she said at a news conference. "Facebook may be old hat tomorrow. In that case, I won’t go on Facebook."


Under Myanmar’s previous military junta, her countrymen with Internet connections were blocked by a government firewall from accessing many sites. The reformist but still military-backed government elected last year has since eased most of those restrictions.

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