
Following on from such beloved classics as "Up" and "Toy Story," "Brave" is the latest movie from renowned animation studio Pixar. Featuring a lively cast and amazingly detailed scenes depicting stunning Scottish scenery, this film is sure to dazzle audiences when it is released in Taiwan on June 22.


Brave is the story of redheaded Princess Merida, set in the Scottish Highlands kingdom of DunBroch. A custom-defying and spirited young woman, she prefers archery and riding in the woods to being the gentle, ladylike princess she is expected to be — much to the frustration of her mother, Queen Elinor.


When her father, King Fergus, wants her to marry one of the sons of his lords for political reasons, she openly defies her land's customs. When this decision causes controversy throughout the kingdom, she turns to an eccentric old witch for help and is granted one wish. However, her family and the kingdom become cursed by a spell that is part of this ill-fated wish and Merida must discover the meaning of true bravery in order to undo the curse.

《勇敢傳說》是皮克斯作品中首部以女性為主人翁的電影作品,公司要求台灣流行樂團 S.H.E 三位女歌手中的 Selina 為梅瑞妲公主配音。

As "Brave" is Pixar's first film with a female protagonist, the movie company asked Selina Jen, one-third of Taiwanese pop music sensation S.H.E, to dub the voice of the film's heroine Merida.

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Editor's Note: On July 3, "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" will be hitting movie theaters in Taiwan. A work that combines the efforts of legendary filmmaker Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov, the director of "Wanted," this exciting new film transforms the beloved 16th President of the United States Abraham Lincoln into the world's first superhero.

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his summer, the world's most famous wall-crawling superhero Spider-Man celebrates his 50th anniversary; so in more ways than one, the Marvel Comics creation is a pop-culture icon that sticks. That should be nothing but good news for the filmmaking team behind this summer's "The Amazing Spider-Man," but instead they view that history as part of their challenge — just like the towering shadow cast by the three previous Spider-Man films and the incredible US$3.5 billion (approximately NT$105 billion) they earned at the box office.

製作人陶爾馬克說:「我們這部片的主角是這位大英雄,又在這個時間點,片子得很了不起才行;我們也知道,要讓大家看到我們知道自己在做什麼。」陶爾馬克和導演馬克韋布都是初次製作《蜘蛛人》電影的新手,陶爾馬克說:「我們還覺得很興奮,因為我們曉得我們掌握到了什麼東西。」 韋布、陶爾馬克和經驗豐富的製作人阿維阿拉德希望他們能夠克服自從二○一○年元月他們宣布重拍蜘蜘人故事,並引進新面孔後,外界對這第四部蜘蛛人電影所投下的懷疑目光。阿拉德曾拍攝過廿多部以驚奇漫畫的角色為題材的電影。

"Our movie — with this hero, at this time — has to be great, and we know we have to show people that we know what we're doing," said producer Matt Tolmach, who — like director Marc Webb — is making his first Spider-Man film. "But we're excited about that because we know what we've got." Webb, Tolmach and veteran producer Avi Arad, whose name has appeared in the credits of two dozen films based on Marvel characters, hope that they can overcome the skepticism that has greeted this fourth Spider-Man movie since the January 2010 announcement that it would reboot the story and bring in new faces.

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Scientists say a gene variation could contribute up to 155g to a child’s birthweight.


The gene studied is believed to act as a growth suppressor, reducing birthweight. But the UK-based researchers found a particular variant passed down from the mother can add 93g to the birthweight, or 155g if passed down from the maternal grandmother.


Professor Gudrun Moore of University College London and colleagues looked at a gene called PHLDA2 in nearly 9,500 DNA samples taken from mothers and their babies, collected in three separate studies.


They found a gene variant called RS1 appeared to change the way in which the gene functioned, leading to higher birthweights. "The gene is already known to have a profound effect on birthweight by acting as a growth suppressor," Prof Moore said.


The RS1 variation was found in around 13% of the individuals studied, with 87% possessing the RS2 variation. "We suggest that the more common RS2 gene variation, which is only found in humans, has evolved to produce a smaller baby as a protective effect to enhance the mother’s survival during childbirth," said Prof Moore.

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They say you can’t buy happiness - and it’s something Bhutan is finding out the hard way.


The tiny, mostly-Buddhist Himalayan kingdom won a world voice for adopting a happiness index to measure its economy. But its prime minister says it promptly forgot its own lesson, and let a sudden rush of prosperity go to its head.


"Wealth creates increased desire," said Prime Minister Jigmi Thinley. "There are families with four or five cars. There are luxury vehicles being imported that can hardly drive on our roads and are made for far better roads than we have here."


A country that was closed to foreigners until 1974 and only recently opened up to the forces of globalisation lacked the tools to cope with new-found economic growth and the wealth it brought.


The government has cut expenditure and is considering raising taxes on imported vehicles. Youth unemployment is over 9 percent and people are drifting away from the countryside, and traditional values, to the towns.


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