Q:John is a fun person. 和 John is a funny person. 那一句正確呢?


A:這兩句都正確,但語意不同,因為 fun 和 funny 是截然不同的兩個字。然而,這兩個字很容易讓人搞混,致使用錯或誤用的情況不時發生,令人「啼笑皆非」!

在此,fun 和 funny 都是形容詞;不過,fun 也可當名詞用,且用得比形容詞廣泛,其所構成的若干慣用語都頗為常用 (容後再述)。當形容詞用的 fun 意為「有趣的;愉快的;好玩的」,而 funny 意為「有趣的;滑稽的;好笑的」,前者指的是令人愉快的事物或喜歡與之相處的人,後者指的是令人發笑或逗趣的人事物。例如:

  • A comedian is funny. (喜劇演員很有趣 - 因為他們搞笑、逗趣,讓你發笑)
  • Going to an amusement park is fun. (到遊樂園玩很有趣 - 因為你玩得很開心、很愉快)


  • John is a fun person. (約翰很有趣 - 因為跟約翰相處讓人很愉快、很開心)
  • John is a funny person. (約翰很有趣 - 因為約翰很會搞笑,經常讓人覺得很好笑)

這裡有個所謂的「做或看規則」(do/see rule) 可讓您輕易判斷該用 fun 還是 funny。如果是個人親自去做或親身經歷的,那麼就用 fun,如果是看到或聽到的,則用 funny。這規則的例外是看運動比賽,因為看比賽不會讓人發笑。不過,有些情況則使用 fun 或 funny 都可以,如「玩遊戲」可能很開心、很好玩,也可能很好笑、讓人笑個不停。茲舉數例供大家參考,俾讓您能確實掌握 fun 和 funny 之間的差異:

  • Going to a dentist is not fun! (看牙醫不好玩!)
  • Nobody laughed because his joke was not funny. (沒有人笑,因為他的笑話不好笑)
  • The movie was quite funny. (這部電影很好笑)
  • Playing basketball is fun. (打籃球很有趣)
  • Playing a game is fun/funny. (玩遊戲很有趣)
  • He’s one of Taiwan’s funniest comedians. (他是台灣最搞笑的喜劇演員之一)
  • A party with your friends is fun. (跟朋友的聚會很有趣)

Fun 亦可當名詞用,且是不可數名詞,意為「快樂;樂趣;有趣的人事物」,其前往往用 a lot of, lots of, much, great, good 等詞來修飾,表示很開心、很好玩、很有意思及有趣的人事物。事實上,fun 的用法很特殊,其句型有二:「事 + is/was/are/were (a lot of/lots of/much) fun (某事很好玩)」及「人 + have/has/had (a lot of/lots of/great/good) fun. (某人玩得愉快)」。由此可知,英文並無 It has fun. 的說法,因為這是錯誤的。例如:

  • I had lots of fun at the party last night. (昨晚我在聚會上玩得很開心)
  • The party last night was a lot of fun. (昨晚的聚會很好玩)
  • We hope you have fun at the beach tomorrow! (我們希望明天你在海灘能玩得盡興)
  • We had great fun comparing the functions of our smartphones. (我們比較智慧型手機的功能比得不亦樂乎)
  • Do come tomorrow, it’ll be good fun. (明天一定要來,那會很好玩/那會很有意思)
  • Spending money is fun! (花錢真好玩!)

如上述,fun 也意為有趣的人事物 (別以為人事物是可數的,在此就是不可數),在此用法中,其前往往使用 great 或 good 來修飾,構成慣用語 "great/good fun"。例如:

  • Anthony is great/good fun. (安東尼是個很有趣的人)
  • You’ll love Peter – he’s great/good fun. (你會喜歡彼得的,他很有意思)

請注意這裡的 great/good fun (很有趣的人) 與上面 great/good fun (玩得很愉快) 的不同;兩者構詞一樣,而且主詞都是人,但動詞一個是 BE 動詞、一個是 have/has/had。



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Global warming could make humans shorter, warn scientists who claim to have found evidence that it caused the world’s first horses to shrunk nearly 50 million years ago.


In fact, a team from the universities of Florida and Nebraska says it has found a link between the Earth heating up and the size of mammals -- horses, in this case, the last time the world heated up.


The scientists used fossils to follow the evolution of horses from their earliest appearance 56 million years ago.


As temperatures went up their size went down, and vice versa; at one point they were as small as a house cat, said Dr Jonathan Bloch, curator of the Florida Museum of Natural History, was quoted by the "Daily Mail" as saying.


The scientists say that the current warming could have the same effect on mammals -- and could even make humans smaller.

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China’s leadership faces a knotty choice in how to finish off fallen politician Bo Xilai without further damaging the Communist Party’s image:Purge him the old-fashioned way _ in secret _ or run him through a public trial.


Analysts and a veteran party member say leaders are leaning toward a trial. But either way, the challenge is to prevent lurid allegations that Bo abused his power and that his wife was involved in the murder of a British businessman from upsetting a once-a-decade leadership transition just months away.


The leadership handover _ in which President Hu Jintao and most others will cede their posts to Vice President Xi Jinping and a new group of leaders _ will formally take place at a congress expected in the fall.


The leaders have "decided to wrap up Bo’s case as early as August so as to clear the biggest political uncertainty ahead of the congress,’’ Wang Xiangwei, the editor of Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post, who is thought to have close ties to the Chinese propaganda apparatus, wrote in an editorial.(AP)



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Q:若不知某人的性別,那麼該用那個代名詞來指涉呢? 另外,everybody, anybody, somebody 等的正確代名詞又是什麼呢?

A:以前若是不知某人的性別,我們都使用 he 來指涉,如 If I find the person who has stolen my iPad, I’ll wring his neck! (如果讓我找到那個偷我 iPad 的人,我會扭斷他的脖子!)。但這樣的用法現在往往被視為性別歧視。現今可能的作法之一是使用 "he or she" (這是主格,其受格為 him or her,而所有格為 his or her;但它們也可以且往往寫成 he/she, him/her, his/her) 或 "(s)he",但這看起來或聽起來都怪怪的。例如:


  • A baby cries when he or she is tired. (嬰兒累了就會哭)
  • If a student is absent because of illness, (s)he should call in sick. (如果學生因病缺席,他或她應打電話請病假)
  • If in doubt, ask your teacher. He/she can give you more information. (如果拿不定主意,可以問你的老師。他或她可以給你更多資訊)

這些寫法迄今仍不時用於正式寫作或書面文件中,但目前一般比較喜歡的作法是使用 they (them 或 their),尤其是在非正式談話中,即使所指涉的是單數名詞亦然。例如:

  • If a student is absent because of illness, they should call in sick. (如果學生因病缺席,他們應打電話請病假)

這些結構相當常用,尤其在 everybody, everyone, anybody, anyone, somebody, someone, nobody 以及「every, each, no + 單數的人 (如 person, child, boy, girl 等)」 之後,它們的代名詞通常使用 they (them 或 their)。例如:

  • Everyone should take their belongings with them. Don’t leave them on the shuttle bus. (每個人都應隨身帶著他們的物品。別把它們留在交通車上)
  • Does everybody know what they want? (每個人都瞭解他們想要什麼嗎?)
  • Somebody’s left their wallet here. (有人把他們的錢包留在這裡)
  • If anybody/anyone comes, ask them to wait. (要是有人來,叫他們等著)
  • Nobody plans to go on a trip to Phnom Penh, do they? (沒有人打算到金邊旅遊,對吧?)
  • Every student in the English class must have their own textbook. (英語班的每個學生都要有自己的課本)


  • Somebody has left her umbrella on the shuttle bus. Could she please come and collect it? (有人把她的傘留在車上。可以請她來拿回去嗎?)

然而,即使性別已知,我們也經常使用 they (them 或 their),尤其是在泛稱的敘述中。例如:

  • No girl under the age of 18 should be allowed to drink alcohol, or perhaps someday they will become a heavy drinker. (未滿 18 歲的女孩不應被允許喝酒,否則有朝一日她們可能成為酗酒者)

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Q:too much of a good thing 是什麼意思呢?


A:"too much of a good thing" 字面的意思是「太多的好事」,但好事太多,過了頭,未必是好事,甚至可能變成壞事;所謂過猶不及,凡事適中就好。因此,這片語含有告誡或勸導的意味,警告人家,儘管福星高照、好事連連,但也不必太高興,因為任何人都不可能永遠走好運;若碰到太多好事,就要提高警覺、步步為營、謹慎將事,否則物極必反,好事過頭反成壞事。這也就是在一些英文諺語中,too much of a good thing 往往與 bad 或 not good 劃上等號的原因。例如:

  • Too much of a good thing is not always good.
  • Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.


在英文中,「too much of a/an + 名詞」這種片語或句型相當常用,意為「太過…,太多…」,如 He’s too much of a cold fish. (他是個過於冷漠的人/他是個很不友善的人)。事實上,與「too much of a/an + 名詞」結構相近的「a bit of a/an + 名詞」 (有點…) 和「something of a/an + 名詞」(有幾分;可說是;算得上) 亦屢見不鮮,如 She’s always been a bit of a mystery to me. (她對我來說總是有點神秘);He’s something of an expert on growing vegetables. (他可說是個種植蔬菜的專家)。

從「too much of a/an + 名詞」這個結構來看,顯然地,其中的名詞一定是單數可數名詞,而其前可用形容詞來修飾,如 too much of a good thing。有人可能會對此結構感到不解,納悶為何不直接使用 too much + 不可數名詞或 too many + 複數可數名詞,卻偏偏把原本水火不容的 too much 和單數可數名詞湊在一起,儘管整個結構語法沒問題,但不無賣弄之嫌。其實不然,這種結構的功用大矣,它解決了某些名詞慣用單數或語法要求須用單數,但又要表達太多、太過之意思或概念時所面臨的困境。例如:


  • We have seen too much defeatism, too much pessimism, too much of a negative approach. (我們看到了太多的失敗主義、太多的悲觀主義和太多的負面傾向) - 在這句中,too much of a negative approach 可用 too many negative approaches 來代替,但這樣一來就無法與前面兩個 too much 呼應,起加強語氣的作用。這句是美國已故著名舞台劇導演兼製作人瑪格•瓊斯 (Margo Jones) 所說的話。
  • Taiwan doesn’t have too much of a downturn. (台灣目前並無太多經濟衰退的趨勢) - Downturn 通常用單數,在此不宜以 too many downturns 來表示。
  • I knew that I’d finished the paper in too much of a rush, and that the final paragraph was probably shady. (我知道這篇報告是我過於倉促趕出來的,最後一段可能有問題) - Rush 在片語 in a rush 中慣用單數,在此不能用 too many rushes。
  • Sandy got fired from that big company because they thought he was too much of a freewheeler. (桑迪被那家大公司開除了,因為他們認為他過於自作主張) - Sandy 是一個人,對應單數的 a freewheeler,若用 too many freewheelers,文法就錯了。

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