- 2023: 中英對照讀新聞》Hare-brained scheme: Man busted for illegal hare trafficking (魯莽的計畫:男子因非法交易野兔而被捕)
- 2022: 中英對照讀新聞》74% of NYC Voters Say Crime Is a Serious Problem in the City, an All-Time High74%紐約市選民認為該市犯罪猖獗 創新高
- 2019: 《中英對照讀新聞》Making the world hotter: India’s expected AC explosion-讓地球更熱:印度即將噴發的冷氣機風潮
- 2018: “The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them.” — Albert Einstein, Physicist
- 2017: 綠色奇蹟 (The Green Mile), 1999
- 2016: Let the Journey Begin 漫遊緬甸 黃金假期
- 2015: The Art of the Elephant Parade 彩繪做慈善-繽紛大象巡展
- 2012: 英文單字尾端子音字母是否重複的通則
- 2012: 酒國做英雄 酒後的心聲
- 2012: Q:我看到 I wouldn't like you to think that I was being unfair. 這樣的句子,請問 I was unfair 和 I was being unfair 意義上有何不同?
- 2012: He owns a farm, mansion, orchard, and estate. 這句有四個名詞,但只有 farm 的前面有不定冠詞 a,這樣對嗎? 因為 orchard 和 estate 的前面須用 an。
- 2012: 所有動物都可以用 he 或 she 來指稱嗎?
- 2012: no 接可數名詞時,該名詞要用複數還是單數?
- 2012: 片語動詞詳細解說
- 2012: 成語~Apple of Sodom
- 2012: Strange Green Machines 環保又實用的另類綠色發明
- 2012: Such…as 和 such…that 的意義有何不同
- 2012: 拖鞋,涼鞋,和夾腳鞋的英文說法
- 2012: "quite" 在會話中的意思很難瞭解,它到底是「完全,十分,非常」(totally, perfectly, completely) 還是「有幾分,頗為,相當」(partially, somewhat, fairly, rather) 呢?
- 2012: zombie debtor
- 2012: 字彙~Homebody