今天我們要講的美國習慣用語是to get one's foot in the door。Foot是一隻腳, door是門。要注意的是,to get one's foot in the door說的是某人先把一隻腳伸到門裡。所以它的含義就是:先獲得一個有利於將來發展的地位;也可以說,為進入某個行業或團體走出第一步。
例句-1:I remember when I got my first intern job at a movie studio. I worked forty hour weeks doing odd jobs like answering the phone or picking up lunch and dry cleaning, and I hardly got paid! But I did get my foot in the door of the industry and look where I am now.
這位製片人說:我還記得我在一個製片廠找到了第一份實習生工作的情景。我每個星期工作40個小時,干的都是雜活,比如接電話、取午餐或是取乾洗好的衣服。我得不到甚麼報酬,可是我進入了製片業, 你看看我現在的地位。
美國著名導演 Steven Spielberg也在好萊塢的Universal Studio實習過,而且當時也是沒有工資的。不過,得到實習的機會就使他進入了製片業的圈子 - he got his foot in the door。後來他就成了一個名導演。
To get one's foot in the door你猜得出這個習慣用語是怎麼來的嗎?有人說,這個習慣用語跟推銷員有關。在電腦和信息時代以前,美國公司常僱用推銷員挨門挨戶地兜售產品。住家的主人一般都不會請推銷員進屋,所以他們首先要做到的就是把一隻腳伸進門裡,got his foot in the door,這樣主人就不能關門了。
例句-2:My goal is to become a full-time teacher at the University but there aren't any openings at the moment. So, I've decided to register there as a replacement teacher. At least that way I'll get my foot in the door, and maybe down the road I'll be the first in line if there is an opening.