中英對照讀新聞》Getting to zero: the Japan town trying to recycle all its waste-邁向零垃圾:日本小鎮嘗試回收所有廢棄物
In Japan’s Kamikatsu, sorting rubbish isn’t that simple. There are mind-boggling 45 separate categories for their garbage, from pillows to toothbrushes, aiming to be "zero-waste" by 2020.
The process can be onerous - items like plastic bags and bottles must be washed and dried to facilitate recycling, and the parts of an item should be sent to the right container. Many parts of Japan already require separation of rubbish, with the bulk of household waste going to incinerators.
In 2000, the town was ordered to shut down one of its incinerators because it no longer met stricter emissions standards. The other incinerator couldn’t handle all of Kamikatsu’s waste, and there wasn’t enough money for a new one or to pay a neighboring town for use of theirs.
"If we can’t burn waste in the town, then let’s recycle. It’s much cheaper," said town official Midori Suga.(AFP)