經濟飛速成長,可以從首都擁擠的交通窺出端倪,早上九點多 上班尖峰時間,首都烏蘭巴托的,四線道馬路 車水馬龍,駕駛們猛按喇叭。
[[蒙古國民 安可]]
之所以車多 人多,是因為蒙古有一半的人口,住在首都烏蘭巴托,它就像心臟一樣,把物資養份送到其它城市,偏偏首都對外道路,僅有三條柏油路,其他都是又顛又簸的黃土路。
蛻變中的蒙古國揮別遊牧,學著擁抱自由經濟,大漠子民正以他們千年來 ,對生命的韌性 面對未來。
Rapid economic growth has unfortunately led to annoyances, such as traffic jams in the capital. At nine in the morning, rush hour starts for many workers. This four-lane road in Ulaanbaatar is at a standstill, leading many drivers to honk their horns.
Mongolian National
There are so many different factors. For example today is the very first day that school starts, so many parents are taking their children to school. And this is the first time that this city has the most roads under construction at the same time. So we have so many streets and avenues blocked. That’s why the traffic is very heavy.
To solve the traffic chaos, local governments have resorted to special license plate control measures to limit the number of cars.
The capital is packed because more than half of Mongolia’s population lives in Ulaanbaatar. It’s like the heart of the country, sending supplies and nutrients to other areas. But it only has three paved roads. The others are made of dirt.
Travel between cities in Mongolia can take many, many hours.
Motorists often find that the roads are overtaken with cattle, sheep and sometimes even camel caravans.
Mongolians are gradually bidding farewell to the nomadic lifestyle and embracing a free economy. These people of the high desert have faced adversity before, and they will continue to show courage in the uncertain future.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞