[[行政院長 江宜樺]]
第二波制裁包括發布菲律賓旅遊警示燈號為「紅色 」、停止台菲雙邊高層交流、停止與菲方經濟交流活動、停止台非農漁業合作事項、停止雙方科技交流計畫、停止台菲航權談判、停止菲律賓用「上網查核」免簽證措施及辦理南海聯合海上操演。
Citing lack of a sincere apology, Taipei issues new sanctions against Philippines (2013/05/15)
Dissatisfied with the Philippines’ apology for the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman by a Philippines government vessel, Taipei has launched a second round of sanctions. The new sanctions affect political, economic and private exchanges between the countries and took effect immediately.
The Philippines presidential office hurried to issue an apology before the deadline for the second round of sanctions. Taiwan’s Cabinet did not believe it was in good faith.
Jiang Yi-huah
The Philippine government has not solved the sincerity issues associated with this affair. Therefore, we announce that we will launch a second round of sanctions comprising eight items, effective immediately.
The sanctions include issuing a red travel alert for the Philippines, suspending exchanges between high-ranking government officials and suspending economic exchanges and activities.
They also include suspending agricultural and fisheries cooperation, suspending technological exchange plans, suspending freedom of the air talks,
and suspending the advanced online registration system for Filipinos to receive visa-exempt entry. Taiwan’s military forces will conduct exercises in the South China Sea.
These eight retaliatory measures are added to the first round of sanctions: suspending applications by Filipinos to work in Taiwan, recalling Taiwan’s representative to the Philippines and requesting that the Philippine representative to Taiwan leave.
The Taiwan government hopes these 11 measures demonstrate its resolve to the Philippines. Taipei is demanding a suitable apology, compensation for the victim’s family, punishment for those who killed the fisherman, and the launch of fisheries agreement talks.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞