[[聲源:行政院長 江宜樺]]
[[司改會執行長 林峰正]]
Government trying to bail Legislature out for its Accounting Act disaster (2013/06/06)
The Legislature passed an amendment last Friday that exempted public research grants for university professors from being audited. At least it was supposed to, but lawmakers inexplicably left out the word “professors” from the bill. The government is now trying to bail out the Legislature from its mistake, interpreting the revision as covering professors, but some legal experts doubt the move will settle the issue.
The amendment was meant to absolve professors who used falsified receipts to claim research grants. Premier Jiang Yi-huah was asked in a radio interview this morning about the omission of “professors” from the bill, and he offered a simple solution.
Jiang Yi-huah
If professors unwittingly violate the law simply because of submitting invoices for reimbursement in a convenient way or working under an inflexible system, this is relatively excusable. If an interpretation from government accounting agencies can settle the controversy, then we should use this more economic method and not make the Legislature pay the price.
On Wednesday, Jiang met with Taiwan’s main accounting agency, the Justice Ministry and the Cabinet’s regulations commission to discuss the issue. They offered a broad interpretation of the revision, which currently only exempts “university staff” from audits, saying that “staff” includes professors. But a legal expert said the move would only worsen the controversy.
Lin Feng-jeng
Judicial Reform Foundation
The so-called interpretation clearly was counter to the law. “Staffers” and “professors” are two different things. Prosecutors and judges will not be beholden to your Cabinet interpretation.
Because the Cabinet has not proposed revising the amendment, KMT lawmaker Tsai Cheng-yuan said on Facebook that he will offer a new revision to quell any doubts.