A video showing a US woman leading a dance party in an operating theater just before undergoing a double mastectomy has gone viral online.
Deborah Cohan, a trained gynecologist, can be seen getting down — dressed in full pre-op gown and colorful protective cap — with a team of anesthetists and other surgical staff.
By Thursday more than 1.4 million people had viewed the 6-minute video showing them dancing to the Beyonce song "Get Me Bodied," Cohan gyrating energetically with a huge smile on her face.
"Nothing brings me greater joy than catalysing others to dance, move, be in their bodies," she said in a blog post before the operation at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) Medical Center on Tuesday.
In her "Deborah’s Healing Journey" blog, posted on the website of non-profit Caring Bridge, she asked people to film or picture themselves dancing to the Beyonce tune, wherever they were.
"Are you with me people?" the Harvard-educated obstetrician-gynecologist at UCSF asked in the post, which had over 100,000 visits, and which also featured a picture of her hugging a tree, dressed only in bra and panties.
Messages of support flooded in. "So inspiring," wrote one, while another added: "You’re such a brave woman. Keep rocking out!"(AFP)
get down︰(非正式用語,多用於歌詞內)跳舞。Let’s get down.(讓我們跳舞吧。)
gyrate︰動詞,旋轉、迴旋。例句︰All the attention gyrated around her.(所有的注意力都圍著她轉。)
catalyze︰動詞,催化、促成、鼓動、根本改變。例句︰ Changes in student enrollment that have catalyzed the educational system.(學生註冊方式的改變促成教育系統的根本轉變。)
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