A couple who tried to sell their two-year-old daughter via Facebook has been arrested in the northeastern Brazilian city of Recife, police said on Wednesday.
A police spokesman in Recife told AFP that the toddler’s biological parents were arrested and jailed late Tuesday after failing to post bail set at $6,666 each.
The girl was turned over to the city’s child protective services.
"The 23-year-old mother said she needed money to travel to Europe for prostitution. The 40-year-old father did not say anything," the spokesman added.
A social worker from Campina Grande in Paraiba state reported the couple to authorities after reaching a monetary agreement for the transaction on Facebook.
"I am relieved to have changed the future of this child," said the social worker, who initially thought the case was a joke.
She had agreed to meet the couple outside a metro station in suburban Recife and to turn over $666 in cash plus a portable computer in exchange for the girl.
Under the deal, she was due to pay an additional $890 in 10 installments.
The couple was arrested during the transaction..(AFP)
nab:動詞,口語,逮捕(現行犯)。例句:He was nabbed for speeding.(他因超速被逮捕。)
toddler:名詞,學步的小孩。例句:The toddler tried to walk but kept falling down.(那小孩學著走路但不斷摔跤。)
transaction:名詞,交易、買賣。例句:That transaction was over the phone.(這項交易是透過電話進行的。)
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