英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://goo.gl/P4909O
炎炎夏日快把人熱昏了。工作完畢後要好好休息, 吃吃喝喝享樂放鬆一下。然而在餐廳時, 常搞不懂什麼酒配什麼菜,那就看看本文中基本的洋酒概念,以後可以邊聚餐邊講英文。進入本文前,請先想想怎麼表達以下單字:
a) 絲絨般的 (口感)
b) 放縱
c) 醉意
The summer temperature is still rising, and even the wind is blowing hot. At the end of the day, there is nothing like an evening of 1) Wining and dining with good friends, so you can 2) live it up, while winding down. The economy fluctuates, but the restaurant business always flourishes. Globalization has equipped our island with luxurious brands of all kinds. Needless to say, our imported and domestic foods and wines are also the best anyone can find.
The sophisticated question of choices inevitably emerges, as the diners must decide which liquid goes which meal. A stranger to alcohol might find the wine list resembles a foreign language, but in actuality, the general guidelines aren’t that complicated. The visual clue is that red meat goes with red wine, and white meat goes with white wine. Young red wines can taste bitter, and they complement bitter greens and wild herbs. Acidic foods aren’t wines’ best friends, as the existing acidity in the wine can be diminished, and disguise its authentic flavor.
複雜的難題是 - 什麼酒該配什麼食物 。對品酒很陌生的人而言酒的語言似是一門外來語,但實際上的搭配原則其實沒有那麼複雜。以視覺上來說是紅肉配紅酒, 白肉配白酒。存放時間短的紅酒偏苦澀,可以搭配蔬菜和野菜。酸性食物和酒不搭,因為酒的酸度會被蓋過去,而偏離其原有氣味。
Once the wine has been served, it’s imperative to remember to speak the language. a) Velvety is an elegant adjective to describes wines that are silky in texture, while unctuous means oily tasting. Full-bodied wines are always recommended with cheeses, while sweet wines and blue cheese is a match made in heaven. If you are not in the mood to be a critic, simply say that the wine is intellectually satisfying, and let the connotation take its own course among your educated companions.
一旦酒呈上桌了,謹記要懂它的語言。 絲絨般的質感即是一優雅的形容詞,用來描述酒柔滑的口感,而油膩膩意思即是油性酒的口感 。濃郁酒總是推薦搭配起司一起享用,甜酒和藍起司是天作之合。如果你沒有心情做一位評論家,就簡單的說 “ 酒給人智慧上的滿足,” 有內涵的同伴自然能了解你的意思。
Sweet wines are also perfect for desserts. If the lovely evening is carrying on, b) indulge a little, and have some more sweets. The 3) rule of thumb is to not choose a dessert that is sweeter than the wine, so the palate can enjoy the sweetness of both. As the evening comes closer to an end, you also be getting c) tipsy, so remember to get home safely. There is always the chance that the weather might shift, if that’s the case, perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad idea to sit back for a while, relax, and watch the rain on the mid-summer evenings.
甜酒適合搭配甜點。如果美好的的傍晚還未結束,放縱一下,再點一盤甜點。不二法門的原則是,不要選擇比酒甜的甜點,讓味蕾能享受兩者的甜味。當夜晚接近結束,你也有醉意了,記得安全回家。然而, 天氣很可能臨時起變化,如果這樣:可以再坐一會,放鬆一下,在仲夏夜裡欣賞一下雨景。
- Wining and dining 鋪張(招待),通常都有美酒的出現。
He felt frustrated because after investing much time and money wining and dining his clients, no official business agreement was established. 他花了大筆鈔票盛宴招待客戶,可是始終沒有成交,讓他非常懊惱。
- Live it up, Wind down 盡情享受, 放鬆一下的意思 。
After retirement, the hardworking old couple finally decided to live it up, and wind down. They moved to a brand new house on the beach, and visited a different country every year. 退休以後,辛苦工作的夫妻總算決定要好好享受生活, 放鬆一下。他們搬到全新的沙灘別墅,並且每年遊玩不同的國家。
- Rule of thumb 經驗法則; 不二法則
As a rule of thumb, you should cook a chicken for 20 minutes per kilo. 依照經驗來說, 烹煮每公斤的雞約花 20 分鐘左右。