
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自




a)  詐騙高手

b)  首腦

c)  引誘


Catch Me If You Can (2002)


True Story of the a) con artist Frank Abagnale Jr. (Leonardo DiCaprio), who collected cash by passing himself off as an airline pilot, doctor and lawyer. Quote: “Two little mice fell into a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned, but the second mouse, he struggled so hard that he eventually churned that cream into butter and he walked out. Amen.” --- Frank 1) saying grace


神鬼交鋒 (2002)


本片為美國詐騙高手Frank Abagnale Jr.的真實故事,假造鈔票並曾順利冒充機師、醫師、律師。經典台詞:「兩隻老鼠掉進了一罐鮮奶油裡,第一支老鼠很快放棄並溺死。第二隻老鼠卻奮力掙扎、掙扎得超拼命,以致於鮮奶油被它攪成了奶油塊,最後爬了出來。阿們」 --- Frank電影裡某場飯前禱告


American Gangster (2007)


True story of the 1970s heroin b) kingpin Frank Lucas (Denzel Washington) and Richie Roberts (Russell Crowe), the cop seeks to arrest him. Quote: “The loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room.” --- Frank Lucas to his cousin Huey


美國黑幫 (2007)


美國一九七零年代黑幫老大、販賣海洛因首腦Frank Lucas(丹佐華盛頓飾演)的真實故事,其與當年警察Richie Roberts(羅素克洛飾演)針鋒相對,對方一直試圖要將Frank追捕到案。經典台詞:「最大聲的人,也讓他自己成了在場最弱的那位。」--- Frank對其堂弟所說




Pursuit of Happiness (2006)


Based on a true story of Chris Gardner (Will Smith), a struggling salesman trying to make it as a stockbroker and support his son. Quote: “You got a dream you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you can’t do it.” --- Gardner to his son Christopher (Jaden Smith)


當幸福來敲門 (2006)


本片根據Chris Gardner(威爾史密斯飾演)的真實故事:力爭上游的推銷員,為了撫養兒子,努力成為股票交易員。經典台詞:「好好保護你的夢想。因為總有人因為自己做不了,而告訴你你也做不到。」 --- Gardner片中與其兒子(威爾史密斯親生兒子飾演)的對白


The Godfather (1972)


The definitive mobster movie. Quote: “I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.” --- Don Corleone (Marlon Brando) hinting in which he will convince a film producer.


教父 (1972)


寓意明確的黑幫電影。經典台詞:「我將提出的條件,會是他無法拒絕的。」 --- 馬龍白藍度飾演的Don Corleone在其說服一位電影製片時如此暗示



Boiler Room (2000)


Seth Davis (Giovanni Ribisi), c) lured by the promise of “a million dollars in three years,” takes a job at the brokerage firm, J.T. Marlin, but soon finds out the 2) true nature of their business. Quote: “A sale is made on every call you make. Either you sell the client some stock or he sells you a reason he can’t. Either way a sale is made, the only question is who is gonna close?’ --- Jim Young (Ben Affleck) in a sales-training session.


搶錢大作戰 (2000)


Seth Davis被「三年一百萬美金」的承諾所引誘,任職於馬林股票經紀公司,但不久後就發現這門生意的真面目。經典台詞:「每筆交易都靠你每通電話。不是你賣出了股票給客戶,就是對方告訴你他不買的原因。不管是上述哪一個,都是一筆成了定局的交易。唯一的問題是,誰要拿下這筆交易?」班艾佛列克飾演的Jim Young,在電影裡的銷售訓練課程這樣說。


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