
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自



a)    判斷辨識

b)    喚起

c)     相似;類似


How to effectively inspire people is rather tricky, because we all tend to be inspired by different kinds of things.  An artist can see a piece of bark and instantly be inspired by it.  A composer can hear the sound of a chirping bird and create a beautiful melody out of it.  It’s difficult to a) pinpoint how to inspire people or be inspired by people, but there are tips one can follow to gain inspirations:

如何有效的激發人們,實在不是一件簡單的事, 因為每個人被啓發的方式不盡相同。畫家可能因為看到一根樹枝而突發靈感,畫出一幅巨作。作曲家也許聽到鳥的叫聲而譜出優美的歌曲。我們無法準確知道如何去鼓舞人或被鼓舞,但是,倒是有些小技巧能幫助你完成這個任務。

1. Show that you care

Small actions are important. You might not be able to 1) stand in their shoes,but at least by showing a little bit of care you can 2) go a long way.  A simple “How are you?”  Or just basic conversations will give this person a little bit of courage and make the world a little warmer.


1. 表現關心

從小處做起。你可能無法體會到他們的苦,可是表現你得關心卻能讓人感受到一絲的溫暖。一句簡單的“你好嗎?” 或是閒話家常都會讓對方得到鼓舞,為這個世界增添一點溫情。


2. Be enthusiastic


If you show enthusiasm, it means you want to get to know them or you’re really interested in what they are saying.  There would be this automatic attraction.  People read emotions and enthusiasm as a good way to b) evoke more out of the person you are talking to. 


2. 熱情一點



3. Earn trust

How to know if the person is trustworthy?  Well it’s somewhat difficult to do so.  But showing sincerity, giving the true smile and asking questions are an indication of trust.  You want people to trust you, and then you have to at least try and make it happen.  Relate something that shares c) resemblance to what they’ve experienced to encourage.


3. 贏得信任

如何判斷此人是否可靠呢?這其實有點困難。但表示誠意, 讓微笑發自內心,以關懷的語氣問對方問題是信任的準則。你希望人能相信你, 你得先相信別人。分享共有的相關經驗,以達到鼓舞的目的。


4. Explore alternative thoughts and ideas

Don’t be stubborn.  Be open-minded.  Why is it that they do it this way?  Or why is it that they think this way?  We’re all different in our own ways


4. 探索不同角度的想法



5. Active listener

There is this simple rule that if you want someone to respect you, you should listen to what they say.  People like to be listened to; it shows people that there are caring people in the world who would actually take the time to listen to them.  Don’t talk about people; talkto people.


5. 主動的傾聽者

有一個基本的準則: 如果你想要別人尊重你,你就應該先傾聽他們說話。每個人都希望有人能聽他們說話。他們會因為你撥出時間傾聽他們說話而感到被關懷和重視。不要談論人們,要真正和人們對談。


Humans are emotional animals, so in difficult times, why not pay some attention to the people around you?  Helping one another can patch up those holes in society.





1. (Stand) in someone’s shoes 從另一個角度看感受別人的感覺


Stand in someone’s shoes. Stand 可以省略。I wouldn’t like to be in her shoes. 我不希望了解她的感受。也可以用Put oneself in someone’s shoes.  都有從不同角度看事情的意思。If you could just put yourself in Tom’s shoes for a moment, perhaps you wouldunderstand why it is not as easy as you seem to think.  如果你可以試著從湯姆的角度看, 或許你就會了解事情不像你以為的簡單。

2. Go a long way 足夠的有幫助的;  成功的


Thank you for your generous donation. I am sure it will go a long way. 謝謝你的慷慨捐贈. 我敢肯定這將很有幫助。

All parents hope that their children will go a long way in their lives.所有父母都希望自己的孩子會很成功。

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