In the game of Jenga, players start with a wooden tower of blocks. The blocks, 54 in all, are piled up in 18 levels consisting of three blocks each. Each level sits across from the one below. Then, the players take turns pulling pieces out. After sliding out a block, players must carefully place it on top. As the game continues, the tower becomes more and more unstable until it finally crashes. Whoever knocks down the tower loses the game.
The game dates back to the early 1970s in Ghana, where inventor Leslie Scott played a variation of it using wooden building blocks. She launched the game at the London Toy Fair in 1983, and since then about 50 million games have been sold. The tallest tower ever built was said to be more than 40 levels high. So grab your Jenga blocks and watch gravity win every time.
疊疊樂可回溯至七○年代早期的迦納,創始人萊絲莉•史考特玩出五花八門堆積木的方式。1983 年,她在倫敦玩具博覽會推出這款遊戲,從那時起大約賣出五千萬組遊戲。疊疊樂堆過最高的積木塔據說四十多層高。所以抓起你的疊疊樂積木,看看地心引力每回必勝吧!