“Regardless of how you feel inside, always try to look like a winner. Even if you are behind, a sustained look of control and confidence can give you a mental edge that results in victory.”
– Diane Arbus, Photographer
「不管你心中感受如何,永遠試圖在外貌表現得像一位贏家,即便當你落後時,保持一個鎮定及自信的外表,將帶給你在內心的優勢並導致成功。」– 黛安‧阿伯斯 (攝影師)
behind (adv.) 落後。例:The country is falling behind in the field of information technology. (該國在資訊科技這個重要的領域落後。)sustained (adj.) 持續的,持久的。例:a period of sustained economic prosperity(持續一段時間的經濟繁榮)。edge (n.) 優勢,鋒芒。例:This new product has the edge over its competition. (這個新產品比它的競爭者更有優勢。)
黛安‧阿伯斯 (1923-1971) 為美國著名攝影師,擅以黑白照片捕捉各式各樣的人,她是美國第一位作品在「威尼斯雙年展」參展的攝影師,有數百萬人看過她的作品。