2023/07/10 05:30
Deep in an open coal mine in southern Greece, researchers have discovered the antiquities-rich country’s oldest archaeological site, which dates to 700,000 years ago and is associated with modern humans’ hominin ancestors.
The find announced Thursday would drag the dawn of Greek archaeology back by as much as a quarter of a million years, although older hominin sites have been discovered elsewhere in Europe. The oldest, in Spain, dates to more than a million years ago.
The Greek site was one of five investigated in the Megalopolis area during a five-year project involving an international team of experts, a Culture Ministry statement said.
It was found to contain rough stone tools from the Lower Palaeolithic period — about 3.3 million to 300,000 years ago — and the remains of an extinct species of giant deer, elephants, hippopotamus, rhinoceros and a macaque monkey. (AP)
date (back) to:片語,(時間)追溯至。例句:The statue can date to the 13th century.(這尊雕像可以追溯到13世紀。)
remains:名詞,動物的遺體(或遺骸)。例句:50 years after he died, his remains were returned to his homeland.(他去世50年後,遺體被送回故鄉。)
英倫翻譯轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1592994
- Jul 10 Mon 2023 10:03
中英對照讀新聞》Newly discovered stone tools drag dawn of Greek archaeology back by a quarter-million years 新發現的石器將希臘考古學曙光前推了25萬年