The Simpsons, the longest-running American sitcom and animated series, was first aired this month in 1989. The iconic family, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie, lives in the fictional town of Springfield. Since its first airing, the show has become famous for making fun of American culture, politics, and television.
The series was created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. In addition to being widely popular, The Simpsons was named by Time magazine as the best television series of the 20th century.
美國播出最久的情境喜劇和動畫系列《辛普森家庭》於 1989 年十二月首次播出。這個由荷馬、瑪琦、巴特、麗莎和瑪吉(編按:節目中的名稱依序為荷馬、美枝、霸子、花枝和奶嘴妹)組成的指標性家庭住在一個虛構的春田鎮。從節目首次播出以來,它以嘲諷美國文化、政治和電視節目而聞名。