《中英對照讀新聞》Gov’t to invest W7.8 tril. to secure stable supply of 100 key parts, materials 韓政府將投資7.8兆韓元 確保百種關鍵零件、材料穩定供應
The government will invest 7.8 trillion won ($6.47 billion) over the next seven years to help makers of key industrial parts and materials strengthen their competitiveness in the wake of Japan’s restrictions on strategic exports to Korea, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said Monday.
By increasing R&D funding, tax breaks and easing regulations, policymakers seek to boost Korea’s industrial capability so that companies can localize 100 key materials needed to make semiconductors, displays, rechargeable batteries and other products within five years.
"Domestic materials, parts and equipment industries have been growing in size for the past years, but they are still heavily relying on imports from certain countries for key materials," Minister Sung Yun-mo said in a press conference in Seoul.