中英對照讀新聞》Full body deepfakes are the next step in AI-based human mimicry 人工智慧模擬人類的下一步是「全身深度偽造」
Within the field of deepfakes, or "synthetic media" as researchers call it, much of the attention has been focused on fake faces potentially wreaking havoc on political reality, as well as other deep learning algorithms that can, for instance, mimic a person’s writing style and voice. But yet another branch of synthetic media technology is fast evolving: full body deepfakes.
In April of this year, the Japanese artificial intelligence company Data Grid developed an AI that can automatically generate whole body models of nonexistent persons, identifying practical applications in the fashion and apparel industries.
今年4月,日本人工智慧公司「Data Grid」開發出一款人工智慧技術,它可自動產生並非真實存在的人類模特兒全身影像,被視為專供時尚與服裝產業的應用。
It’s clear that full body deepfakes have interesting commercial applications, like deepfake dancing apps or in fields like athletics and biomedical research.