2021/12/09 05:30
Cat owners who love to take pictures of their furry friends now have a new excuse to pull out their smartphones and take a snapshot: it may actually help the cat.
A Calgary, Alberta, animal health technology company, Sylvester.ai, has developed an app called Tably that uses the phone’s camera to tell whether a feline is feeling pain.
The app looks at ear and head position, eye-narrowing, muzzle tension, and how whiskers change, to detect distress.
A 2019 study published in peer-reviewed journal Scientific Reports found that the so-called ’feline grimace scale,’ or FGS, is a valid and reliable tool for acute pain assessment in cats.
The app could help young veterinarians, who maybe have not had quite so much experience.(Reuters)
feline:名詞或形容詞,貓科動物;像貓一樣的。例句:The feline is too fat to walk.(這隻貓肥到走不動。)
grimace:名詞或動詞,(做)鬼臉。例句:He grimaced with pain.(他痛到呲牙裂嘴。)
valid:形容詞,有根據的;有效的。例句:We are sorry that the contract is no longer valid.(很遺憾,這份合約已經失效。)