2023/10/26 05:30

On Feb. 14, 1904, someone curious about the emerging possibilities of a key force of nature checked out James Clerk Maxwell’s "An Elementary Treatise on Electricity" from the New Bedford Free Public Library.


It would take 119 years and the sharp eyes of a librarian in West Virginia before the scientific text finally found its way back to the library.


The discovery occurred when Stewart Plein, the curator of rare books at West Virginia University Libraries, was sorting through a recent donation of books.


Plein found the treatise and noticed it had been part of the collection at the New Bedford library and, critically, had not been stamped "Withdrawn," indicating that while extremely overdue, the book had not been discarded.(AP)


treatise:名詞,專論、論文。例句:As a graduate student, I have a mountain of treatises to read.(身為研究生,我要讀的論文多得像一座山。)

sort through:慣用片語,分類整理。例句:After grandma’s death, everyone worked to sort through a large pile of old photos.(在阿嬤過世後,眾人努力整理一大堆老照片。)

英倫翻譯社轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1611919


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