中英對照讀新聞》Astronomers spot new tiny moons around Neptune and Uranus 天文學家在海王星和天王星周圍發現新小衛星
2024/03/04 05:30
Astronomers have found three previously unknown moons in our solar system — two additional moons circling Neptune and one around Uranus. The latest tally puts Neptune at 16 known moons and Uranus at 28.
The distant tiny moons were spotted using powerful land-based telescopes in Hawaii and Chile, and announced Friday by the International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center.
One of Neptune’s new moons has the longest known orbital journey yet. It takes around 27 years for the small outer moon to complete one lap around Neptune, the vast icy planet farthest from the sun, said Scott Sheppard, an astronomer at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington who helped make the discovery.
The new moon orbiting Uranus, with an estimated diameter of just 5 miles (8 kilometers), is likely the smallest of the planet’s moons.
tally:名詞,計數、紀錄、比分。例句:He kept a tally of his paydays on an envelope.(他在信封上記錄發薪日期。)
lap:名詞,(跑道、線等的)1圈。例句:I did 20 laps before getting out of the pool.(離開泳池前,我游了20圈。)
英倫翻譯社轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1633781
- Mar 04 Mon 2024 09:07
中英對照讀新聞》Astronomers spot new tiny moons around Neptune and Uranus 天文學家在海王星和天王星周圍發現新小衛星