2024/06/17 05:30

Palestinian workers in the Gaza Strip have found dozens of ancient graves, including two sarcophagi made of lead, in a Roman-era cemetery — a site dating back some 2,000 years that archaeologists describe as the largest cemetery discovered in Gaza.


Workers came upon the site last year during the construction of an Egyptian-funded housing project near Jabaliya, in the northern Gaza Strip. Since then, crews have worked to excavate the 2,700-square-meter (2/3 acre) site with the support of French experts.


The discovery of 60 graves at the site in January marked a major finding, archaeologists say. That number has swelled to 135.


ene Elter, a French archaeologist leading the dig, said researchers have studied over 100 of the graves. “The discovery of lead sarcophagi here is a first for Gaza,” he said.



uncover:動詞,挖掘出、發現。例句:Some scientists uncovered the seasonality of COVID-19.(一些科學家發現武漢肺炎的季節性。)

dates back:動詞片語,(時間)追溯。例句:The story can date back to 13th century.(這個故事可以追溯到13世紀。)

英倫翻譯社轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1651731

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