◎ 陳成良
The governor of Utah on Wednesday announced a new law requiring an anti-pornography filter on smartphones and tablets sold in the conservative Mormon-majority US state.
The law, which Republican Spencer Cox said he had signed the night before, would penalize manufacturers failing to include the filter between $10 and $500 per violation.
Backed by conservative lawmakers in the western state - where members of the Mormon Church make up two-thirds of the population - the measure would only take effect in the unlikely event that five other states pass similar laws.
這項法律受到這個西部州的保守派議員支持,該州3分之2人口為摩門教徒,但措施實施機會不高 ,僅有在其他5州通過類似法案時才會上路。
In practice, the reform could look like the reverse of parental controls on existing devices sold by tech companies such as Apple and Google, in which the filters are by default turned off.