2023/03/07 05:30◎盧永山

A federal judge has sentenced a Massachusetts man to probation for running an illegal trapping operation that captured wild hares in Maine for the purpose of training dogs.


Jon Rioux, 36, of Attleboro, solicited Maine residents to trap snowshoe hares, court documents show. Undercover investigators offered to trap the hares for money, and Rioux obliged, despite the fact he did not have a license or permit that would have allowed him to possess or transport the animals, prosecutors said.


The judge in U.S. District Court in Portland sentenced Rioux to one year of probation and fined him $10000. He was also ordered to pay $1,843 in restitution to the state of Maine.


Snowshoe hares are cold-weather dwelling hares that have large back feet and change color from brown to white in the winter. Maine’s legal snowshoe hare hunting season runs from late September to early spring.



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2023/03/03 05:30◎張沛元


To create the largest croquette ever made, local residents in Assabu, Hokkaido used 600 kilograms of potatoes, 50 kg of ground meat, 200 eggs and other ingredients.


Their July 23 masterpiece weighed 279 kg, breaking the previous 225.8 kg record set in the Netherlands, to win an entry in the latest Guinness World Records.


Cheers and applause broke out when the croquette was finished to golden brown perfection.


Assabu residents took a shot at setting a world record to encourage the registration of Assabu May Queen as a trademark.


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2023/03/02 05:30◎孫宇青

Time and death are "on pause" for some people in Scottsdale, Arizona.


Inside tanks filled with liquid nitrogen are the bodies and heads of 199 humans who opted to be cryopreserved in hopes of being revived in the future when science has advanced beyond what it is capable of today.


Many of the "patients," as Alcor Life Extension Foundation calls them, were terminally ill with cancer, ALS or other diseases with no present-day cure.


The cryopreservation process begins after a person is declared dead. Blood and other fluids are removed from the patient’s body and replaced with chemicals designed to prevent the formation of damaging ice crystals.


The minimum cost is $200,000 for a body and $80,000 for the brain alone.(Reuters)

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2023/03/01 05:30◎管淑平

North Korea has slammed Washington’s decision to supply Ukraine with tanks, claiming the US is "further expanding the proxy war" to destroy Russia.


In a statement released late Friday, Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, blamed Washington for the crisis in Ukraine, accusing it of "further crossing the red line" by sending the tanks.


"Lurking behind this is the US sinister intention to realize its hegemonic aim by further expanding the proxy war for destroying Russia," she said in the statement. (AFP)




slam:動詞,抨擊;使猛然關上。例句:He slammed the door and left in anger.(他大力甩門,怒氣沖沖地走了。)

proxy war:代理人戰爭。例句:The Vietnam War is widely considered to be a Cold War-era proxy war.(越戰被廣泛認為是場冷戰時期的代理人戰爭。)

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2023/02/23 05:30◎孫宇青

A cow herd in the central German community of Brevoerde has adopted a lone wild boar piglet.


Farmer Friedrich Stapel told the dpa news agency that it had likely lost its group when they crossed a nearby river.


Stapel said while he knows what extensive damage wild boars can cause, he can’t bring himself to chase the animal away.


The local hunter has been told not to shoot the piglet — nicknamed Frieda — and in winter Stapel plans to put it in the shed with the mother cows.



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