《中英對照讀新聞》First-ever Diamond Within a Diamond Found in Russia 俄羅斯挖到前所未見的鑽石套鑽石

It was a gem of a find. A diamond that was recently extracted from a mine in Yakutia, Russia, had a surprise lurking inside:a tiny, second diamond.


The outer diamond measured about 0.2 inches (4.8 millimeters)long, while the wee stowaway spanned about 0.08 inches(2 mm)long and weighed about 0.0001 ounces(0.004 grams). The hidden gem rattled around inside an air pocket at the heart of the larger stone, and Russian experts who examined the peculiar double gem declared it the only known example of a diamond with another diamond inside it, according to a statement.


According to the statement, scientists believe the diamond to be around 800 million years old and suspect that either the smaller diamond formed first and was surrounded by the larger diamond or a layer of crystal.


This unusual diamond-in-a-diamond drew comparisons to a traditional Russian toy called a matryoshka doll, in which successively smaller wooden dolls are nested inside bigger dolls.



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中英對照讀新聞》Teacher sparks controversy for making students wear cardboard boxes to deter cheating on exam 老師讓學生戴上紙箱防作弊 引發爭議

A Mexican teacher has come under fire for making high-school students wear cardboard boxes on their heads to block their peripheral vision and prevent them from copying on an exam.


Luis Juárez Texis, the director of Campus 01 "El Sabinal" at the College of Bachelors, in the Mexican state of Tlaxcala, has been accused of humiliating and breaking the basic human rights of his students, after a photo of him overseeing an exam where the students wore cardboard boxes on their heads went viral online. The students’ parents shared the photo on social media and issued a public statement asking educational authorities in Mexico to dismiss Texis.


The photo of the students wearing cardboard boxes with cut-out eye holes that only allowed them to see in front without turning their heads was shared thousands of times since last week and was eventually picked up by mainstream media as well. However, instead of condemning the teacher, most users congratulated him for finding an effective way to prevent cheating.



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《中英對照讀新聞》Dead Baby Sea Turtle Found with 104 Pieces of Plastic in Its Belly 死掉的海龜寶寶肚子裡發現104塊塑膠片

A photo of a baby loggerhead sea turtle that died after eating 104 pieces of plastic went viral on Facebook this week. The photo was posted by the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton, Florida, on Tuesday (Oct. 1)and shows the lifeless turtle, no bigger than the palm of your hand, next to the dozens of small pieces of plastic found in the animal’s digestive tract, neatly organized in rows.


"It’s washback season at Gumbo Limbo and weak, tiny turtles are washing up along the coastline needing our help," Gumbo Limbo Nature Center staff wrote in the Facebook post. "Unfortunately, not every washback survives. 100% of our washbacks that didn’t make it had plastic in their intestinal tracts." The plastic clogs up the animal’s digestive tract, they wrote.


"Many of these young turtles are dying from plastic impaction. The plastic plugs them up and causes them to go into septic shock," center staff wrote in response to a comment on the Facebook post. "Plastic pollution is the sad world we live in now. We need to do better."



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《中英對照讀新聞》Kansas runner killed by lightning near ultramarathon finish line 堪薩斯州的超級馬拉松跑者 在快到終點線前遭雷擊身亡

A Kansas runner has died after being hit by lightning as he neared the finish line of a 31 mile (50km) ultramarathon.


Thomas Stanley, 33, received first aid from runners and officials at the Elk City State Park race on Saturday, but died from his injuries, police said. His wife received the race medal on his behalf, local media reported.


In a Facebook post on Sunday, the organisers of the FlatRock race wrote: "Thomas’ family says that the chances of being killed by a lightning strike are about one in a million, and Thomas was truly a one-in-a-million guy." Mrs Stanley wrote that she had "lost my best friend, father of our babies, and love" in a Facebook post.


The National Weather Service (NWS) reports 17 others have been killed by lightning across the US this year. According to the NWS, there is a one in 15,300 chance of being hit by lightning during an 80-year lifespan, and only 10% who are struck are killed.



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《中英對照讀新聞》Uber will ban passengers with low ratings Uber將禁止評分低的乘客叫車

Uber passengers who habitually leave their trash behind and disrespect their drivers may soon get the boot.


The ride-hailing company announced Tuesday that riders with ratings that are ’’significantly below average’’ may lose access to the app, part of a rollout of the company’s updated community guidelines, which riders must abide by to continue using the service.


Uber, however, said that bans for bad behavior won’t come as a surprise to offending passengers. Riders will receive several notifications before they lose access to the app, the company said.


And they also will have opportunities to improve their rating to remain in good standing. Tips to boost a user’s rating include:’’encouraging polite behavior, avoiding leaving trash in the vehicle and avoiding requests for drivers to exceed the speed limit,’’ Uber said.



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