It seems that we are getting closer and closer to a world in which robots can do anything—or almost anything. Meet Atlas, a 1.8-meter-tall robot that can jump and perform back flips, Parkour-style. Atlas was developed by American robotics company Boston Dynamics to help in search and rescue missions. This robot has been programmed to perform various tasks such as opening doors, using tools, and getting in and out of—and even driving—a car. However, getting it to do these simple tasks hasn’t been so easy.

我們似乎正一步步地邁向機器人無所不能 —— 或者說是幾乎無所不能的世界。來看看Atlas 這個身高一點八公尺的機器人,它可以用跑酷的方式跳躍及後空翻。Atlas 是由美國一家設計機器人的波士頓動力公司研發來協助搜救任務的。這個機器人被設定來執行多種任務,像是開門、使用工具、上下車 —— 甚至是開車。然而,要讓它做這些簡單的工作並不是件容易的事。


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《中英對照讀新聞》Singapore eco-tourism plan sparks squawks of protest -新加坡生態旅遊計畫引發強烈抗議

While it may be best known as a financial hub with scores of high-rise buildings, tropical Singapore is still home to patches of rainforest and an array of wildlife. Thus, Singapore is creating a vast eco-tourism zone.


A jungle is being cleared by the government to make way for a bird park, a rainforest park and a 400-room resort, creating a green tourism hub aiming to attract millions of visitors a year.


But the project has ruffled the feathers of environmentalists. Rather than promoting biodiversity, they believe it is too imposing for the area, will destroy forest habitats. They also point out that insufficient safeguards were put in place before work began - leading to animals being killed on roads.


"You are getting your priorities wrong if you are replacing natural heritage with captive breeding," said Subaraj Rajathurai, a veteran wildlife consultant. (AFP)



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中英對照讀新聞》Thai Supermarket Praised For Replacing Plastic Packaging With Banana Leaves 泰國超市以香蕉葉取代塑膠包裝獲讚揚

As the world turns to greener alternatives in a bid to reduce plastic pollution, a supermarket chain in Thailand has won praise for its innovative approach to the problem.


The Rimping Supermarket chain in Chiang Mai has gotten rid of plastic packaging for vegetables and is now instead using banana leaves to wrap them. Their initiative has gained global recognition, thanks to a Facebook post that went viral recently.


The Facebook post by Perfect Homes Chiangmai praised the supermarket for going green and contained a few pictures of produce wrapped in banana leaves.

「清邁完美家庭」(Perfect Homes Chiangmai)的臉書貼文讚揚該超市勵行環保原則,並附上一些以香蕉葉包裝的農產品照片。

"When Perfect Homes spotted a rather nifty alternative to Earth-unfriendly packaging the other day at a branch of Rimping Supermarket, we couldn’t help but get fired up! As well as offering shoppers the option to buy or borrow a cloth bag in store, the popular grocery outfit now bundles its Veggie First fresh greens in banana leaves finished with a fibre tie," the real estate company explained in a blog post.

「當完美家庭幾天前在一家Rimping超市分店看見一個相當棒的替代不友善地球的包裝方式時,我們不禁振奮起來!這家廣受歡迎的賣場不但提供購物者購買或借用店內的布袋,現在還將其Veggie First鮮蔬以纖維繩綑紮在香蕉葉裡,」該房地產公司在部落格貼文中解釋說。

Five trillion single-use plastic bags are used worldwide every year, and more than 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic has been produced since the early 1950s.

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《中英對照讀新聞》Can You Learn Anything While You Sleep? 睡著時能學東西嗎?

Is sleep learning possible? The answer is yes and no, depending on what we mean by "learning."


Absorbing complex information or picking up a new skill from scratch by, say, listening to an audio recording during sleep is almost certainly impossible. But research shows that the sleeping brain is far from idle and that some forms of learning can happen.


The first study to demonstrate a memory and learning benefit from sleep was published in 1914 by German psychologist Rosa Heine. She found that learning new material in the evening before sleep results in better recall compared to learning during the day.


In recent years, multiple studies have found that a basic form of learning, called conditioning, can happen during sleep. In a 2012 study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, Israeli researchers found that people can learn to associate sounds with odors during sleep.


Although the memory was implicit, it could affect the people’s behavior, researchers found in a 2014 study published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

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《中英對照讀新聞》One in 10 single Koreans say wedding ceremony is a must - 10分之1單身南韓人認為必須舉行婚禮

According to a survey conducted by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, out of 2,464 unmarried Koreans asked - 1,140 men and 1,324 women between the ages of 20-44 - those who replied that a wedding ceremony is a must stood at a mere 10 percent.


"Overall, the ratio of (survey respondents) in favor of a wedding stands at about half the people surveyed. But the portion of those who replied that a wedding is a must drops to the 10 percentage range. This is attributable to the growing importance of one’s decision and judgment and less importance placed on formality in marriage," said the institute.


"Such responses were not confined to a certain group, which shows increasing emphasis on personal choice over social norms," said the institute. In Korea, a couple can formalize their marriage by registering a declaration of marriage with the local authorities, with no need for a ceremony.



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