South Africa’s government is considering allowing women to have multiple husbands, a possibility that has thrown the country’s conservatives into uproar.南非政府正在考慮允許女性擁有多名丈夫,這種可能性使該國保守派一片譁然。
The proposal to allow polyandry was included in a green paper from South Africa’s Department of Home Affairs, which hopes to make marriage more inclusive.

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2021/07/05 05:30
The UN rights chief on Monday called for concerted action to recover from the worst global deterioration of rights she had seen, highlighting the situation in China, Russia and Ethiopia among others.聯合國人權首長週一呼籲各方協力採取行動,以扭轉她所見的全球人權最惡劣情況;她特別提及中國、俄羅斯、衣索比亞等國局勢。

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2021/07/01 05:30
On the Banwol and Bakji Islands in southwest South Korea, residents inspired by their native balloon flower have painted their houses, roads and bridges in purple, and planted purple flowers such as lavender and asters to transform their town into a tourist attraction - the ’Purple Islands’.在南韓西南方(全羅南道新安郡)的半月島和朴只島,居民受到當地原生植物桔梗啟發,將房屋、道路、橋樑都繪成紫色,並栽種薰衣草、紫苑等紫色花卉,把小鎮改造成觀光景點「紫色小島」。
Restaurants offer purple rice and serve food on purple plates. "Every morning I dress up in purple from head to toe, even including my underwear and shoes, and that makes me happy," said 88-year-old resident Jung Soon-shim, sitting in a purple gazebo.
There are also benches on the islands decorated with the ’I purple you’ slogan made popular by K-pop band BTS member Kim Tae-hyung, which means ’I trust, love and support you.’

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2021/06/30 05:30
OK boomer, you may have money, but you’re not spending it.
好啦,老人,你們或許有錢,但是你們不花錢。Younger consumers, even though they have less saved than older Americans, are the ones opening their wallets as the U.S. economy recovers.

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Tide is going to outer space. The Procter & Gamble brand is partnering with NASA to keep astronauts’ spacesuits fresh, even on Mars.汰漬正在前往外太空。這個寶鹼公司的品牌正與美國航太總署合作,維持太空人太空服的乾淨,即便是在火星。
Company and NASA scientists have created a fully degradable detergent that will clean clothes without wasting water.

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