


“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.”

– Oprah Winfrey, Talk Show Host

「深呼吸,看開點,然後提醒自己,當下是你唯一確定擁有的時刻。」 歐普拉溫芙蕾 (脫口秀主持人)

  • 歐普拉溫芙蕾 (1954- ) 出生在一個青少年單親媽媽家庭裡,成長環境清寒困苦,高中時即在廣播電台工作,19 歲開始主持新聞節目,轉入脫口秀節目後知名度提升,後來擁有自己的媒體公司,成為 20 世紀最富有的美國黑人。



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“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.”

– Seth Godin, Marketer

「與其思考下次放假是何時,你應該創造一個不需要逃離的生活。」 斯.高汀 (行銷大師)

賽斯.高汀 (1960- ) 是美國創業家、行銷家,曾擔任 Yahoo! 直效行銷副總裁,他也是 Squidoo 網站的創辦人,著有多本暢銷書,包括《紫牛》、《行銷不過是個噴嚏》等。

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People love pets, and dogs are one of the most popular animals to have as a pet. But what animal would you want to help you solve crimes? This laughable question can be answered by the cartoon Scooby-Doo. This lovably silly dog, Scooby-Doo, fi gures out mysteries with his hippy owner Shaggy, as well as three other teens, Fred, Velma, and Daphne. They ride around in their van, the Mystery Machine, and help people solve crimes.


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“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”

– Pablo Picasso, Artist

「像專家般學會規則,好讓你像藝術家般打破它。 畢卡索 (藝術家)

畢卡索 (1881-1973) 是西班牙畫家、雕塑家、20 世紀現代藝術的代表人物之一,遺作逾兩萬件,包括油畫、素描、雕塑、拼貼及陶瓷等,他是少數在生前即「名利雙收」的畫家之一。


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Since 1946, Mensa has helped the worlds’s smartest people to meet and enjoy each other’s company. The founders wanted a place for intelligent people, no matter their race, gender, religion, or politics, to gather. Today, Mensa has expanded to 50 countries around the world and has over 121,000 members. To join Mensa, an applicant must prove he or she is one of the world’s top two percent in intelligence. This can only be done through an accepted IQ test or one of Mensa’s own tests.


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