


Sonita Alizadeh was only 16 years old when her parents first told her that they had arranged for her to be married to an older man. Her would-be husband had promised to pay US$7,000 for her hand in marriage. Alizadeh’s family was poor and really needed this money in order to pay for Sonita’s older brother’s wedding. When Sonita heard that she had to marry a complete stranger, she was heartbroken. Alizadeh took these emotions and recorded a rap music video called “Brides for Sale” as a way of rejecting the tradition of arranged marriages in Afghanistan.

妮塔 阿里扎德十六歲時第一次從父母那裡得知他們已經安排她嫁給一位較年長的男性。她的準夫婿承諾將給付七千美元來娶她。阿里扎德家裡很窮,極需要這筆錢以用來支付索妮塔哥哥的婚禮。索妮塔聽到自己必須嫁給一個完全不認識的人時,她非常的傷心。阿里扎德整理這些情緒以錄製一首歌名為《待售新娘》的音樂錄影帶,以此作為抵制阿富汗的家長安排婚姻傳統的方式。 


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“Imaginary obstacles are insurmountable. Real ones aren’t.”

– Barbara Sher, Life Coach

「想像出的障礙無法被克服,但真的障礙可以。」 芭芭拉.歇爾 (生涯教練)

芭芭拉.歇爾 (1935- ) 是美國生涯規劃教練,著有一系列目標設定及達成相關書籍,曾上 CNN、《早安美國》、《60分鐘》及歐普拉脫口秀等電視節目,也在大學、全球百大企業演講。


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People from many different backgrounds apply for jobs at the agency each year. Not everyone is a James Bond-style secret agent, traveling the world and stopping terrorist plots. Those that do, however, will train at a place called Camp Peary in Virginia, also known as "The Farm."
Anyone who ends up becoming a Non-Official Cover agent, or NOC, must have a very special set of skills. In short, they must be able to get information to their directors without getting found out.

最後成為非官方臥底探員(或簡稱 NOC)的人必須具備自己一套特殊技能。簡單來說,他們必須要能在不被發現的前提下為他們的上級取得情報。 

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“When we tackle obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage and resilience we did not know we had. And it is only when we are faced with failure do we realise that these resources were always there within us. We only need to find them and move on with our lives.”

– A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, President of India


「在克服阻礙的過程,我們會找到隱藏的勇氣和韌性,而只有面對失敗,我們才會意識到,這些內在資源一直都存在,我們只需要找到它們然後繼續生活。」 阿卜杜爾·卡拉姆 (印度總統)


阿卜杜爾·卡拉姆 (1931-2015) 為印度第 11 任總統,因極具親和力,被譽為「人民的總統」,科學家出身的他,曾在印度空間研究組織工作,讓導彈研製成為印度國防科技的亮點,因此也被譽為印度「飛彈之父」。

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“Your task is not to foresee the future, but to enable it.”

– Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Writer

「你的任務不是預知未來,而是造就未來。」 安東尼.聖修伯里 (作家)


安東尼.聖修伯里 (1900-1944) 是法國作家、飛行員,在經典兒童小說《小王子》出版一年後,收到二次大戰動員令,擔任偵察機飛行員,為法國披甲對抗納粹德軍,他也獲得一系列的最高文學獎項。

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