


Stonehenge is a place of mystery. The ancient monument is located in the English countryside to the west of London. It is agreed that it was built between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago, but nobody can be absolutely certain why the circle of large stones was constructed. However, archaeologists have discovered several interest i ng clue s and have co me up wit h the following theories. It could be part of a cemetery because many human remains have been found in the surrounding fields.


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Groundhog Day is a holiday with an interesting story. Legend has it that when a groundhog emerges from its hole on February 2, it can predict whether the winter has ended or will last for six more weeks. If the groundhog doesn't see its shadow, spring will be arriving soon. It is a very popular holiday, but it is not taken very seriously. Everyone knows that Groundhog Day is more about having fun. The star of the celebration is Punxsutawney Phil, a groundhog that lives in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

土撥鼠日這個節日有段很有趣的故事。據說在二月二日這天 ,當一隻土撥鼠從牠的洞裡探出頭來時,牠可以預測得出冬天是否即將結束,或是還會再持續六個星期。如果那隻土撥鼠沒有看到自己的影子,那就表示春神就快降臨。這個節日非常受歡迎,但人們並沒有很嚴肅地看待這個節日。大家都清楚土撥鼠日的重點其實是在眾人一起同歡。該節慶的大明星就是普蘇塔尼的菲爾,牠是一隻位在賓州普蘇塔尼小鎮上的土撥鼠。

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“The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men who can dream of things that never were.”

– John Keats, Poet

「眼界被現實所限制的懷疑論者及憤世嫉俗者,不能解決世界上的問題,我們需要可以發想新事物的夢想者。」 約翰.濟慈 (詩人)

  • 約翰.濟慈 (1795-1821) 是英國浪漫主義詩人,奇蹟般的只用五年的時間,就達到詩藝的巔峰,儘管一生在困厄中度過,卻以堅強的意志不斷創作,不僅讚頌美及真理,並以自由民主的價值對社會批判。


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“The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men who can dream of things that never were.”
– John Keats, Poet
「眼界被現實所限制的懷疑論者及憤世嫉俗者,不能解決世界上的問題,我們需要可以發想新事物的夢想者。」– 約翰.濟慈 (詩人)
約翰.濟慈 (1795-1821) 是英國浪漫主義詩人,奇蹟般的只用五年的時間,就達到詩藝的巔峰,儘管一生在困厄中度過,卻以堅強的意志不斷創作,不僅讚頌美及真理,並以自由民主的價值對社會批判。

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“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.”

– Earl Nightingale, Motivational Speaker

「別讓完成一件事所需的時間嚇阻你,反正時間都會過,不如把經過的時間做最好的運用。」厄爾‧南丁格爾 (勵志演說家)

厄爾‧南丁格爾 (1921-1989) 是美國著名的勵志演說家及作家,也是前知名的廣播節目主持人,被譽為「個人成長系主任」(Dean of Personal Development)


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