


Despite two million years of munching almost exclusively on bamboo, the giant panda’s gut has not adapted to eating the plant--putting the creatures in an "evolutionary dilemma", scientists said Tuesday.



The surprising study, reported by online US journal mBio, examined 45 giant pandas over the course of a year and found that the animals appeared to have a digestive system "entirely differentiated from other herbivores".


Instead, the pandas still retained the gut bacteria of the omnivorous bears they evolved from, the report’s summary said.

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Measles can harm the immune system for up to three years, leaving survivors at a higher risk of catching other infectious and potentially deadly diseases, researchers said.



It was previously known that measles could suppress the body’s natural defenses for months, but the findings in the journal Science show that the dangers of the vaccine-preventable disease last much longer, by wiping out essential memory cells that protect the body against infections like pneumonia, meningitis and parasitic diseases.


"In other words, if you get measles, three years down the road, you could die from something that you would not die from had you not been infected with measles," said co-author C. Jessica Metcalf, assistant professor of Princeton University.

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“You could always be anything you wanted to be if you worked hard. And so I never felt constrained. I never felt that there were limitations on what I could do.”

– Ann Dunwoody, Four-Star General

「只要努力,你可以成為任何你想要成為的人,我從不覺得自己受限,我從不覺得我能做的事受到限制。」安‧鄧伍迪 (四星上將)

constrain (v.) 限制,束縛。例:Poor soil constrained the level of crop production. (貧脊的土壤限制農作物的產量。)

安‧鄧伍迪 (1953- ) 為美國已退休四星上將,她是第一位達到此位階的女性軍官,官至美國陸軍裝備司令部司令。


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Godzilla has stomped so many buildings in Japan that the irradiated monster was appointed special resident and tourism ambassador for Tokyo’s Shinjuku ward.


A Godzilla-size head towering 52-meters above ground level was unveiled Thursday at an office of Toho, the Japanese studio behind the 1954 original. Toho is shooting a comeback film this year after a decade-long hiatus.


Japan is hoping the biggest star in this nation’s movie history will help lure tourists during a market-opening strategy launched by the prime minister.


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The term podcast is a combination of part of the word broadcast, and pod, meaning a device which plays digital media. Within the last decade, podcasting has taken off. Regular people and even celebrities have started recording their own shows at home using simple equipment. Unlike regular radio programs, these can be downloaded and listened to anywhere, anytime, and the content is entirely up to the creator.
Now there are podcasts for just about anything you can name. If you love to learn, check out Stuff You Should Know, a podcast that delves into serious science and stuff that is just plain interesting. For comedy lovers, there is Jordan, Jesse, Go!, a show put on by two guys who have been friends since college and have great comedic chemistry.


podcast」這個詞彙是由 broadcast 這個字的一部分和 pod 組合而成,而 pod 的意思是指播放數位媒體的裝置。在過去十年,播客就很成功。一般大眾甚至是名人都在家中利用簡單的設備開始錄製他們的個人節目。不像一般的廣播節目,這些節目隨時隨地都能被下載和收聽,而內容完全由創作者自訂。 
現在幾乎所有你可以說出名字的主題都有播客。如果你喜歡學習,去看看《Stuff You Should Know》,這是一個探索嚴肅科學和一些十分有趣事物的播客。 
對於喜愛喜劇的人,有一個節目叫做《Jordan, Jesse, Go!》,這是一個由兩位男士推出的播客,他們自大學時就是朋友,兩人間常擦出許多充滿喜感的互動火花。

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