“Not a day goes by when someone doesn’t tell me that they saw my pictures posted on Match.com or another web site,” says Yuliana Avalos, a Florida mom and part-time model who never actually signed up for the site.


The popular dating site is engaging in “one of the biggest conspiracies ever executed on the Internet,” the class-action Manhattan Federal Court suit says.


“Thousands” of others, including celebrities, soldiers and adult actresses, have had their pictures plucked from Facebook and other sites and used for bogus profiles as well – even though they ’’are not and never were”members of Match’s dating sites, the suit says.


Inflating the number of profiles on Match and its other 25 dating sites is good for their business.


The suit also says the company could easily crack down on the numerous bogus profiles by using facial recognition software, but chooses not to.


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A four-year-old boy has stunned psychologists—after intelligence tests revealed him to have the same IQ as Einstein.


Sherwyn Sarabi has tested off the scale for intelligence—scoring an IQ of 160—the highest mark on the test.


It’s the same score that experts believe scientist Einstein had, as well as being identical to that of Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking.


Sherwyn from Barnsley, Yorks, started school two years early and became a member of Mensa at the age of three.


He spoke his first words aged just 10 months and has been amazing his parents, teachers and doctors ever since.


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They were able to turn off the urge in mice while leaving the animals’ other senses, such as touch and temperature, intact.


It is hoped that a deeper understanding of itching could eventually lead to therapies for patients with chronic itch.


The study was published in the journal Science.


The team at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, part of the US National Institutes of Health, bred mice that were unable to produce a chemical called Nppb. It is a small signalling chemical that allows brain cells to communicate with each other.


Mice without the chemical looked and acted like other mice, except "when we exposed the mice to several itch-inducing substances, it was amazing to watch, nothing happened, the mice wouldn’t scratch".


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If you’re going to win the lottery, you’ve got to first remember that you’ve played the lottery. Karen Gentry remembered with only hours to spare, and she’s a fair bit wealthier for it.


On Tuesday, Karen Gentry of Alexandria, Va., just happened to see a news report that a Virginia Cash 5 winning ticket worth $100,000 was only hours from expiring.

住在維吉尼亞州亞力山卓的凱琳.堅崔,週二無意間看到一則新聞報導,說是獎金10萬美元的Virginia Cash 5中獎彩券,只剩幾小時就過期無法兌獎了。

"Would you leave a $100,000 lying around on your coffee table for anyone to grab?" ran the Virginia Lottery’s plea to players. "Probably not. But one Virginia Lottery player may be unknowingly doing just that."


Then Gentry remembered that she’d bought a ticket a few months back and had tucked it away in her kitchen.


"So I looked, and there it was!" she told the Virginia Lottery. "I called my husband and he said, ’Yeah, right.’"


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Poor Africans say they are still not benefiting from the continent’s economic rise, according to a landmark survey of citizens across 34 countries released on Tuesday.


Despite some of the world’s highest economic growth rates, many Africans still report shortages of water, food, healthcare and cash according to an Afrobarometer survey of over 50,000 people.


"Meeting their basic daily needs remains a major challenge for a majority of Africans, even at a time when their countries are reporting impressive economic gains," the survey found.


The continent’s economy is expected to grow by almost five percent this year.


But half of survey respondents said they occasionally lacked food, clean water, and medicine. One in five said they face frequent shortages.


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