Jack Nicklaus (高爾夫球員)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/09/jack-nicklaus/

“Learn the fundamentals of the game and stick to them. Band-aid remedies never last.”

– Jack Nicklaus, Golfer
「學會並堅守球賽的基本法則,OK 繃的補救方式絕對無法持久。」– 傑克‧尼克勞斯 (高爾夫球員)

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Smashing the Schneeballen
超紓壓甜點 敲!敲!繽紛雪球樂

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150127/36352592/SmashingtheSchneeballen

Schneeballen is the German word for snowball. It is also the name of a delicious treat, which has become a huge hit in Korea and Taiwan. The colorful balls of short-crust pastry were first made 300 years ago in a small town in southern Germany. It was there that they were traditionally served at weddings and other celebrations.
Schneeballen is available in a wide range of flavors, including chocolate, coconut, and cinnamon, as well as salty flavors. However, the best thing about eating schneeballen is not just the delicious flavors. Before they can be eaten, they are put into a paper or plastic bag and crushed into hundreds of bite-sized pieces with a special wooden hammer. It is therefore no surprise that schneeballen is such a smash hit!
Schneeballen 是德語「雪球」的意思。它也是一種美味甜點的名字,而且已在韓國和台灣走紅了。五彩繽紛的球形酥脆糕點製作源自於三百年前德國南部的小鎮。傳統上, 德國雪球餅乾在婚禮和其他的慶典上有供應。

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Have a weakness 原來是喜歡?

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/18590726

Daniel邀他的英國同事參加品酒會。英國同事回答:I have a weakness for fine wine.


老外說的have a weakness for something其實不是指弱點,而是「完全沒有招架能力」。如果有人說:I have a weakness for chocolate. 就是指他喜愛巧克力喜愛得不得了。

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Victor Cousin (哲學家)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/09/victor-cousin/

“You can only govern men by serving them. The rule is without exception.”

– Victor Cousin, Philosopher
「管理別人的唯一方法是服務他們,這個原則沒有例外過。」– 維多.古森 (哲學家)

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The Adventures of Tintin

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150118/36335113/TheAdventuresofTintin

The young fearless reporter from Belgium, Tintin, leapt onto comics January 10, 1929. First written and illustrated by cartoonist Georges Remi, The Adventures of Tintin has amazed and delighted readers for more than 80 years. Since then, stories of Tintin and his trusty four-legged sidekick, Snowy, have been translated into 70 languages and adapted into cartoons, magazines, albums, and even movies. What makes Tintin so attractive is his everyman quality. He is well-rounded and clever enough to draw in new readers and keep loyal fans hooked. As such, readers around the globe have followed Tintin in many of his adventures like fighting pirates, flying through space, and even battling monsters.
1929 年一月十日,來自比利時年輕勇敢的記者 —— 丁丁躍上了連載漫畫。最初由漫畫家喬治•勒米撰寫及繪圖,《丁丁歷險記》八十多年來讓讀者感到驚奇和開心。從那時候起,丁丁和他可靠的四腳夥伴 —— 米魯的故事被翻譯成七十種語言,也被改編成卡通、雜誌、畫冊,甚至電影。丁丁大眾般的個性是他如此吸引人的原因。他的面面俱到跟聰明才智吸引了新的讀者並牢牢抓住忠實粉絲。因此,全球的讀者跟隨丁丁進入他的冒險旅程,像是跟海盜對決、在空中飛行,甚至和怪獸搏鬥。

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