Luxurious Maldives resorts uninterrupted by political fire     



Tourists enjoying the sun and sand at the Maldives' luxury island resorts have barely put down their cocktails during the political crisis rocking Asia's newest democracy, oblivious to behind-the-scenes links of tourism to the tumult.   






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A Linderella story        灰姑「郎」的故事       


Jeremy Lin, the Taiwanese-American point guard for the New York Knicks with a strong passion for Taiwan, will visit the island after the National Basketball Association (NBA) season to coach children in Taiwan again.     


紐約尼克隊的台裔美籍控球後衛林書豪對台灣懷有一份熱情,將在 NBA 球季結束後回台灣教小朋友打球。       



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Strangest life  史上最詭異的生物       

If scientists find microbes in a frigid lake two miles beneath the thick ice of Antarctica, it will illustrate once again that somehow life finds a way to survive in the strangest and harshest places.  






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Lily-licious!     花來瘋!        

The presence of fresh flowers can immediately change the atmosphere of a room, whether it is a romantic gesture in the form of a rose bouquet or a homey pot of lively gardenias. Imagine the impact then, of an entire exhibition hall filled to the brim with stunning flora, accompanied by soft acoustics, running water and dreamy lighting. That description accurately captures the atmosphere of the one and only Taipei Bloom Art, an ongoing art show that employs floral blossoms as its creative medium.





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4 Linsanity - The Taiwanese-American dream     


"For every top Chinese star that comes out from the Olympic Games or wherever it might be, there's always going to be an awful lot of interest from brands because all the major brands in the world are still looking to China for growth," Walker explained. "A lot of brands want that positive 'halo effect' association they are going to get from being involved with a superstar."  





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