

[[立法院長 王金平]]


[[立法院長 王金平]]
“考量整體社會成本,金平秉持院長職權,鄭重向各位報告,在兩案協議監督條例草案完成立法前,將不召集兩岸服務貿易協議 相關黨團協商會議,經過這次淬鍊,我們當記取教訓,省思未來國政的推動,更要體察民意,在此關鍵時刻,金平希望同學們尊重各界聲音,也盼各界給予學生包容,使本次爭議和平落幕,讓大家一起攜手向前行,台灣加油”


During the nearly three-week student occupation of the Legislature, onlookers have waited for Speaker Wang Jin-pyng to take control of the government body he oversees. Today Wang emerged from his relative silence to announce he will not let review of the trade-in-services pact Taiwan signed with China proceed until a monitoring mechanism for handling such pacts is in place. 

Pan blue and pan green lawmakers accompanied Speaker Wang Jin-pyng to the Legislature. For the first time in 20 days, Wang directly commented on the student occupation. This is the statement he gave:

Wang Jin-pyng
Legislative Speaker
I have never shied away from disputes, but when the various sides are unwilling to make concessions and it becomes impossible for ruling and opposition parties to achieve a consensus, we fail to meet the expectations of the people. For this, I feel concern and regret. The students are in the legislative chamber to express a multitude of opinions. Although various groups have different opinions on the propriety of their methods and goals, we cannot deny that the students have caused people to begin to think about the meaning of democracy. I cannot castigate the students for maintaining their ideals and seeking to expand citizen participation, but please consider how your long-term occupation of the legislative chamber has made us unable to deliberate a number of bills while affecting our international reputation. This is something that the people cannot accept. Keep charging ahead with your ideals, but return to your positions (in the classroom).

Wang’s most stunning remark came when he essentially accepted the students’ main demand.

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  • Apr 16 Wed 2014 15:35
  • 特選




Spring Blossoming
Many flowers bloom in April. Hualien’s Ji'an Township is now experiencing the beauty of the golden trumpet tree in full bloom, with the wind carrying these beautiful yellow flowers which at times appear like golden rain. Unfortunately, they are in bloom for just 10 short days, meaning those who want to glimpse or photograph this beautiful scene should act quickly.

Beautiful Balloons
Taipei balloon artist Howard Lee led a team of 22 likeminded artists who spent 27 hours recreating the Tien Hou Temple from 20,000 balloons. Important elements such as stone lions and incense burners were made with exacting detail. The work was presented at the World Balloon Convention in Denver, Colorado, where Lee and his team won third place.

Matsu Pilgrimage
Organizers say around 20,000 people joined the start of the annual Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage last evening at 11 pm. Followers departed Taichung’s Jenn Lan Temple for a nine-day, eight-night trip. The entire pilgrimage will cover 300 kilometers and pass through Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin and Chiayi.

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[[國發會主委 管中閔]]


[[經濟部長 張家祝]]


[[國發會主委 管中閔]]


President Ma Ying-jeou argues that delay of the trade-in-services pact will affect Taiwan’s entry into other trade agreements. But National Development Council Minister Kuan Chung-ming believes this is just conjecture. 

Among those most affected by Wang Jin-pyng’s decision to put a cross-strait monitoring mechanism ahead of the trade-in-services pact are the economics officials who helped write and negotiate the pact.

Kuan Chung-ming
National Development Council
Of course I worry. While this is postponed, everyone knows there will be many disputes. To find the best solution, I think we need to return to public opinion. We will act in accordance with whatever decision the Legislature makes. 

One of President Ma Ying-jeou’s main arguments for swift passage of the trade-in-services pact is that it will help Taiwan join other agreements. The economics minister worries that stalling review of the pact will impact Taiwan’s chances of joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Chang Chia-juch
Economics Minister
Of the 12 nations involved in TPP discussions, six count China as their largest trading partner and five count China as their second largest trading partner. China will definitely have an influence over whether these countries support our entry.

National Development Council Minister Kuan Chung-ming isn’t so certain of China’s influence.

Kuan Chung-ming
National Development Council
The first problem is whether Beijing has the ability or the authority to apply pressure to TPP nations. The second problem is whether our current situation has made Beijing feel that it’s necessary to apply such pressure. This is all just conjecture.

Changes brought by the Sunflower Movement will test response capabilities of agencies responsible for economic and development policy.

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[[國民黨團副書記長 費鴻泰(4.6)]]


[[民進黨團幹事長 高志鵬]]


Speaker Wang Jin-pyng’s surprise announcement infuriated some members of the KMT caucus who accuse him of selling out the party. Speculation followed, with KMT Legislator Alex Fai saying it seems like Wang made an agreement with student protesters prior to his visit yesterday. 

When Speaker Wang Jin-pyng entered the Legislature yesterday, at his side were DPP caucus whip Ker Chien-ming and other opposition lawmakers. The only KMT lawmaker was Lu Chia-chen. This, and the students’ cool response to Wang, led KMT Legislator Alex Fai to suspect the entire event was staged.

Alex Fai (April 6)
KMT Legislator
It seems like Ker Chien-ming knew everything, and it seems even more obvious that the students knew everything. The fact (this group) could enter without a commotion from the students makes it seem like the students had already accepted a deal.

There is a rumor that Wang, Ker and the students reached an understanding last Friday. Apparently, the students agreed to announce they would leave the Legislature after Wang’s visit.

Kao Jyh-peng
DPP Caucus Whip
This is all fabrication. Our caucus didn’t receive notification from Speaker Wang until after 10 o’clock yesterday morning. The KMT is likely trying to find ways to diminish the announcement Speaker Wang made yesterday, so of course these kinds of conjectures would emerge. They are just attacks and smears.

Wang and the DPP deny the occurrence of any secret meetings. A student spokesperson also says the students knew nothing about the nature of Wang’s statement in advance.

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[[立法院長 王金平]]


[[民進黨團總召 柯建銘]]


The fallout from Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng’s decision to prioritize a cross-strait monitoring mechanism over the trade-in-services pact is widespread. While it has opened a path to ending the student occupation it has also sparked internal strife within the KMT. 

One day after Wang Jin-pyng’s high-profile visit to meet with students at the Legislature, the legislative speaker chose a more low-key approach.

Wang Jin-pyng
Legislative Speaker
In order to allow for this situation to end favorably, it is not convenient for me to answer any questions now. Please make allowances for this, thank you.

Yesterday, Wang pledged to put the bill monitoring cross-strait agreements with China ahead of the trade-in-services pact. This led some KMT caucus members to accuse Wang of selling out the party, and President Ma Ying-jeou said he wasn’t aware of Wang’s decision before its announcement. The DPP caucus whip ripped the KMT over its internal strife.

Ker Chien-ming
DPP Caucus Whip
Your entire party is on the verge of combustion. Quickly, stand in line with public opinion. KMT lawmakers no longer want to hear Ma’s views. They should instead save their last shred of victory.

Wang’s entry into the dispute put the ball in the students’ court and gave the DPP a compromise they can accept. The cost is dissension within the KMT.

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